Interface ISyntaxParser
Represents properties and methods to perform syntax analysis of the text.
public interface ISyntaxParser : IParser, ILexer, INotify, IUpdate, IImport
- Aborted
When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating whether parsing process has been aborted.
- AutoIndentChars
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of characters that initializes an indentation procedure when typing.
- CaseSensitive
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether
should perform case-sensitive analysis if its content.
- CodeCompletionChars
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of characters that initializes a code completion procedure when typing.
- CodeCompletionStopChars
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of characters that finalizes a code completion procedure when typing.
- CodeSnippets
When implemented by a class, returns code snippets for the given parser.
- CompletionRepository
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an
that holds methods for code completion purposes.
- Delimiters
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of characters representing delimiters
- ExpressionEvaluator
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an
instance using to evaluate conditional defines.
- FileName
When implemented by a class, gets or sets file name of the file being parsed.
- FoldedRanges
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of
elements representing ranges based on the indentation levels of the text
- Options
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a flags determining syntax parsing and formatting behavior.
- ParseInterval
When implemented by a class, specifies delay reparsing should trigger after any change in the editor.
- SmartFormatChars
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a collection of characters that initializes a smart formatting procedure when typing.
- SupportsThread
When implemented by a class, gets boolean value indicating whether parser supports working in thread.
- SyntaxTree
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a hierarchical collection of
elements representing abstract syntax tree of the text being parsed.
- UseScheme
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether
should perform lexical analysis based on it's rules rather than using internal method.
- Abort()
When implemented by a class, aborts parsing process by raising StopParseException exception.
- BlockDeleting(Rectangle)
When implemented by a class, removes all nodes from the node collection which position in the specified rectangle.
- CodeCompletion(string, StringItemInfo[], Point, CodeCompletionArgs)
When implemented by a class, performs code completion for the specified text representing language element.
- CodeCompletion(string, StringItemInfo[], Point, bool, CodeCompletionArgs)
When implemented by a class, performs code completion for the specified text representing language element.
- FindCodeActions(Point, Point, Point, ISyntaxError, bool)
When implemented by a class, locates and highlights available code fixes and code refactors for given position in the texts.
- FindDeclaration(Point)
When implemented by a class, finds the declaration at given position.
- FindDeclaration(string, Point)
When implemented by a class, finds the declaration node or type at given position.
- FindDeclarationAsync(Point, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, finds the declaration location at given position.
- FindImplementations(Point, IRangeList, bool)
When implemented by a class, locates all implementations at given position and in the text.
- FindImplementationsAsync(Point, IRangeList, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, locates all implementations at given position and in the text.
- FindReferences(ISyntaxNode, ISyntaxNodes)
When implemented by a class, locates all references to the node in the text.
- FindReferences(Point)
When implemented by a class, locates and highlights references at given position in the text.
- FindReferences(Point, IRangeList, bool)
When implemented by a class, locates declaration at given position and finds all references to this declaration in the text.
- FindReferencesAsync(Point, IRangeList, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, locates declaration at given position and finds all references to this declaration in the text.
- FindReferencesAsync(Point, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, locates and highlights references at given position in the text.
- FinishParsing()
When implemented by a class, commits parsing process.
- GetActiveStatementAt(Point)
When implemented by a class, gets
that corresponds to the statement at specified position.
- GetAutoFormatNode(Point, bool, out Point)
When implemented by a class, gets syntax block node at specified position.
- GetCodeFixes(ISyntaxError, bool)
When implemented by a class, retrieves all code fixes available for the given syntax error.
- GetCodeFixesAsync(ISyntaxError, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, retrieves all code fixes available for the given syntax error in async mode.
- GetCodeRefactors(Point, Point, bool)
When implemented by a class, retrieves all applicable refactors at given range.
- GetCodeRefactorsAsync(Point, Point, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, retrieves all applicable refactors at given range in async mode.
- GetContentDividers(IList<int>)
When implemented by a class, gets list of content dividers.
- GetDeclarationAt(Point)
When implemented by a class, gets
that corresponds to the declafration at specified position.
- GetMultiLineComment(Point, out string, out string)
When implemented by a class, gets the start and symbols multi-line comment.
- GetMultiLineComment(out string, out string)
When implemented by a class, gets the start and symbols multi-line comment.
- GetNodeAt(Point)
When implemented by a class, gets
that corresponds to the specified position.
- GetRangeAt(Point)
When implemented by a class, gets
that corresponds to the specified position.
- GetRangeAt(Point, IList<IRange>)
When implemented by a class, gets
list that corresponds to the specified position.
- GetSingleLineComment()
When implemented by a class, gets the string that represents start symbol of single line comment.
- GetSingleLineComment(Point)
When implemented by a class, gets the string that represents start symbol of single line comment.
- GetSmartIndent(int, bool)
When implemented by a class, returns indentation level of specified line.
- GetSmartIndent(int, bool, out bool)
When implemented by a class, returns indentation level of specified line.
- GetSmartIndentString(int, bool, bool, int)
When implemented by a class, returns indentation string for specified line.
- GetStructureGuideLines(IList<IRange>)
When implemented by a class, gets list of guide lines.
- GetSyntaxErrors(IList<ISyntaxError>)
When implemented by a class, retrieves all syntax errors that
found while analyzing the text.
- HasCodeFixes(ISyntaxError, bool)
When implemented by a class, determines if code fixes are available for a given syntax error.
- HasCodeFixesAsync(ISyntaxError, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, determines if code fixes are available for a given syntax error in async mode.
- HasCodeRefactors(Point, Point, bool)
When implemented by a class, determines if code fixes are available for a given syntax error.
- HasCodeRefactorsAsync(Point, Point, bool, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, determines if code fixes are available for a given syntax error in async mode.
- IsCodeCompletionChar(char, byte, ref int)
When implemented by a class, returns boolean value indicating that given character initializes a code completion procedure when typing.
- IsDeclaration(ISyntaxNode)
When implemented by a class, indicates whether specified node represents declaration elements.
- OnTextChanged(ITextUndo)
When implemented by a class, responds to incremental change of the text in the editor.
- OnTextParsed()
When implemented by a class, raises TextParsed event.
- Outline()
When implemented by a class, creates outlined sections for parsed text using result of syntax analysis.
- Outline(IList<IRange>)
When implemented by a class, creates outlined sections for parsed text using result of syntax analysis and fills ranges parameter by the collection of the outlined sections.
- PositionChanged(int, int, int, int)
When implemented by a class, changes positions of any syntax nodes and its elements located next to the specified position.
- Prepare(string, IStringList, ISyntaxTree, bool, PrepareReason)
When implemented by a class, sets lines to parse.
- Prepare(string, IStringList, PrepareReason)
When implemented by a class, sets lines to parse.
- ProcessAutoComplete(string, Point, out string)
When implemented by a class, checks whether end-of-block code needs inserting.
- ProcessSnippetBody(string, Point, out string)
When implemented by a class, checks whether snippet body code needs inserting.
- ReparseBlock(Point)
When implemented by a class, reparses syntax block at specified position.
- ReparseBlock(ref Point, string, out ISyntaxNode, CodeCompletionType)
Reparses syntax block at specified position.
- ReparseText()
When implemented by a class, reparses entire text.
- ReparseText(bool)
When implemented by a class, reparses entire text.
Specifies whether parser should perform the task in the separate thread
- ReparseText(bool, int, int)
When implemented by a class, reparses entire text.
Specifies whether parser should perform the task in the separate thread Specifies first changed line in the source text. Specifies last changed line in the source text.
- ResetAutoIndentChars()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- ResetCodeCompletionChars()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- ResetCodeCompletionStopChars()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- ResetOptions()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- ResetParseInterval()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- ResetSmartFormatChars()
When implemented by a class, resets
to the default value.
- RestoreSyntaxTree()
When implemented by a class, restores syntax tree, stored by
- SaveSyntaxTree()
When implemented by a class, saves current syntax tree.
- SmartFormat(ref Point, bool, int, ITextUndoList, string)
When implemented by a class, formats block of text according to the parser rules.
- SmartFormat(ref Point, ref Point, bool, int, bool, ITextUndoList)
When implemented by a class, formats block of text according to the parser rules.
Start position of the block End position of the block Indicates whether indentation string should contain spaces or tabs Specifies number of spaces in tab Specifies if whole syntax block containing start and end point should be formatted List of changes.
- SmartFormatLine(int, string, StringItemInfo[], ITextUndoList)
When implemented by a class, formats line according to the parser rules.
- SmartFormatLine(int, string, StringItemInfo[], ITextUndoList, out bool)
When implemented by a class, formats line according to the parser rules.
- StartParsing(string, int, int)
When implemented by a class, prepares parser to parse the specified range of the text.
- StopParsing()
When implemented by a class, aborts parsing process.
- SupportsAsyncParsing()
When implemented by a class, indicates whether parser supports async parsing.
- SupportsCodeActions()
When implemented by a class, indicates whether code fixes or code refactors are supported.
- SupportsCodeCompletionFiltering(CodeCompletionType)
When implemented by a class, returns boolean value indicating that information can be filtered for given code completion type.
- SupportsContentDividers()
When implemented by a class, indicates whether content dividers are supported.
- SupportsTextChanges()
When implemented by a class, indicates whether parser supports incremental text changes.
- TextReparsed
When implemented by a class, occurs when
text content is fully parsed.