Enum VbLexerToken
Represents lexical tokens for Vb parser.
public enum VbLexerToken
AddHandler = 0
AddressOf = 1
Aggregate = 176
Alias = 2
And = 3
AndAlso = 4
Ansi = 5
As = 6
Ascending = 164
Assembly = 7
Assign = 191
Async = 8
Auto = 9
Await = 10
Bang = 190
Boolean = 11
By = 161
ByRef = 12
ByVal = 14
Byte = 13
CBool = 18
CByte = 19
CChar = 20
CDate = 21
CDbl = 22
CDec = 23
CInt = 25
CLng = 27
CObj = 28
CShort = 31
CSng = 32
CStr = 33
CType = 34
Call = 15
Carret = 204
Case = 16
Catch = 17
Char = 24
Character_Literal = 228
Class = 26
Close_brace = 178
Close_parens = 180
Colon = 185
Comma = 183
Comment_Literal = 230
Compare = 172
Const = 29
Continue = 30
Custom = 35
Date = 36
Date_Literal = 227
Decimal = 37
Decimal_Literal = 226
Declare = 38
Default = 39
Delegate = 40
Descending = 165
Dim = 41
DirectCast = 42
Directive_Literal = 233
Distinct = 166
Div = 201
Do = 43
Dot = 181
Double = 44
Double_Literal = 225
Each = 45
Else = 46
ElseIf = 47
End = 48
EndIf = 49
Enum = 50
Equals = 162
Erase = 51
Error = 52
Event = 53
Exit = 54
Explicit = 170
False = 55
Finally = 56
Float_Literal = 224
For = 57
Friend = 58
From = 157
Function = 59
Get = 60
GetType = 61
GoSub = 62
GoTo = 63
Group = 159
Handles = 64
Identifier_Literal = 220
If = 65
Implements = 66
Imports = 67
In = 68
Infer = 173
Inherits = 69
IntDiv = 202
Integer = 70
Integer_Literal = 221
Interface = 71
Interr = 203
Into = 163
Is = 72
IsFalse = 74
IsNot = 73
IsTrue = 76
Iterator = 75
Join = 158
Key = 155
Let = 156
Lib = 77
Like = 78
LineContinuation = 187
Long = 79
Long_Literal = 223
Loop = 80
Me = 81
Mid = 82
Minus = 189
Mod = 83
Module = 84
MustInherit = 85
MustOverride = 86
MyBase = 87
MyClass = 88
NameOf = 89
Namespace = 90
Narrowing = 91
New = 92
Next = 93
None = 234
Not = 94
NotInheritable = 96
NotOverridable = 97
Nothing = 95
Object = 98
Of = 99
Off = 175
On = 174
Op_add_assign = 213
Op_decimal = 196
Op_div_assign = 211
Op_double = 198
Op_exp_assign = 217
Op_ge = 208
Op_gt = 193
Op_intdiv_assign = 212
Op_integer = 194
Op_le = 207
Op_long = 195
Op_lt = 192
Op_mult_assign = 210
Op_ne = 209
Op_shift_left = 205
Op_shift_left_assign = 215
Op_shift_right = 206
Op_shift_right_assign = 216
Op_single = 197
Op_string = 199
Op_sub_assign = 214
Open_brace = 177
Open_parens = 179
Operator = 100
Option = 101
Optional = 102
Or = 103
OrElse = 104
Order = 160
Overloads = 105
Overridable = 106
Overrides = 107
ParamArray = 108
Partial = 109
Plus = 188
Pound = 186
Preserve = 110
Private = 111
Property = 112
Protected = 113
Public = 114
REM = 119
RaiseEvent = 115
ReDim = 117
ReadOnly = 116
Region = 118
RemoveHandler = 120
Resume = 121
Return = 122
Select = 123
Semicolon = 184
Set = 124
Shadows = 125
Short = 127
Short_Literal = 222
Single = 128
Skip = 169
Star = 200
Static = 129
Step = 130
Stop = 131
Strict = 171
String = 132
String_Literal = 229
String_and_assign = 218
Structure = 133
Sub = 134
SyncLock = 135
Take = 168
Then = 136
Throw = 137
To = 138
TripleDot = 182
True = 139
Try = 140
TryCast = 141
TypeOf = 142
Unicode = 143
Until = 144
Using = 145
Variant = 146
Wend = 147
When = 148
Where = 167
While = 149
Whitespace_Literal = 219
Widening = 150
With = 151
WithEvents = 152
WriteOnly = 153
XmlComment_Literal = 231
XmlInnerComment_Literal = 232
Xor = 154