Namespace Alternet.Common.TypeScript.Types
- ClassificationTypeNames
Contains default constants related to the classified type names.
- ClassifiedSpan
Represents syntax information related to the single TypeScript syntax token.
- ClassifiedTypeName
Represents classified name of the type.
- CompletionEntry
One of many possible completions used to form the completion list presented to the user.
- CompletionEntryDetails
Represents detailed completion information.
- DefinitionInfo
Represents single definition.
- Diagnostic
Represents a diagnostic, such as a compiler error or a warning, along with the location where it occurred.
- Document
Represents a source code document that is part of a TypeScript project.
- DocumentSpan
Representation of the text span related for the entire document.
- FormatCodeOptions
Represents a rules that define formatting code behavior.
- JsDocTagInfo
Represents a JS document tag.
- LineAndCharacter
Zero based Line and Character coordinate.
- LineAndCharacterSpan
Representation of a text span related for the Line and Character coordinate.
- Node
Represents a wrapper for JS node object.
- Node.NodeName
Represents an escaped node name.
- NodeExtension
Contains extended methods for
- OutliningSpan
Representation of a span of text to be outlined.
- QuickInfo
Represents data related to popup hint.
- ReferenceEntry
Information about a reference to a symbol.
- ReferencedSymbol
Represents a single result of the find reference to a symbol definition.
- ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo
Represents single symbol definition.
- ScriptElementKind
Specifies the kind of a piece of script element text.
- ScriptElementKinds
Contains predefined kinds of a script element.
- SignatureHelpItem
Represents parameter signature for a method.
- SignatureHelpItems
Represents parameter signature for a list of methods.
- SignatureHelpParameter
Represents signature for a method parameter.
- Symbol
Represents a symbol in a TypeScript code (namespace, class, method, parameter, etc.).
- SymbolDisplayPart
A single element of a symbol description. For example, a keyword, a punctuation character or a class name.
- SymbolDisplayPartKind
Specifies the kind of a piece of classified text (SymbolDisplayPart).
- SymbolDisplayPartKinds
Contains predefined kinds of a piece of classified text (SymbolDisplayPart).
- TextChange
Describes a single change when a particular span is replaced with a new text.
- TextChangeRange
Describes a single change when a particular span is adjusted with a new range.
- TextInsertion
Represents string data for insertion of code completion entry..
- TextSpan
Represents a span within the text.
- DiagnosticCategory
Describes how severe a diagnostic is.
- ScriptKind
Represents TypeScript file kind
- SymbolFlags
Enumeration for possible kinds of symbols.