Namespace Alternet.Common.TypeScript
- EmbeddedTypeDefitionsLocation
Represents informations about the type definition location embedded into the TypeScript project.
- HostAssembly
Represents information about particular assembly included in the TypeScript project.
- ProjectData
Represents a content of the particular TypeScript project.
- ProjectDataExtensions
Represent extended methods for the
- ProjectSerializer
Represents properties and methods used to load\save content of TypeScript project.
- SymbolDisplayPartExtensions
Represents extension methods for converting list of display parts into formatted text.
- SystemSupportCode
Represents data for system support.
- SystemSupportCodeService
This class provides a default implementation of the
- TypeScriptConsts
Contains default constants related to the TypeScript lexical and syntax analysis.
- TypeScriptProject
Represents an object used to manipulate TypeScript project content.
- IScriptFileLoader
Represents methods to load script code from the file
- ITypeDefinitionsLocator
Represents properties to locate type definitions of TypeScript project.
- ITypeScriptProject
Represents properties and methods to manage TypeScript project content.