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Enum CodeCompletionFlags


Defines behaviour of the code completion popup window. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum CodeCompletionFlags


AcceptOnClick = 16

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when a user clicks the popup.

AcceptOnDblClick = 32

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when user double clicks the popup.

AcceptOnDelimiter = 256

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when user presses delimiter key.

AcceptOnEnter = 2

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when user presses the ENTER key.

AcceptOnLostFocus = 4096

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when it closes after some other control is focused.

AcceptOnSpace = 1024

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result and suppress the space key when user presses space.

AcceptOnTab = 512

Specifies that code completion popup window should accept its result when user presses tab.

CloseOnEscape = 1

Specifies that code completion popup window should be closed when user presses the ESC key.

CloseOnLostFocus = 8

Specifies that code completion popup window should be closed when popup window lost focus.

CloseOnMouseLeave = 4

Specifies that code completion popup window should be closed when mouse pointer leaves the control.

FeetToScreen = 64

Specifies that code completion popup window should be fitted to screen when popups.

ForceSelection = 2048

Specifies that code completion popup window should force selection first item.

KeepActive = 128

Indicates whether hint window remains visible until closed manually.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.