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Enum DrawState


DrawState is used to specify a custom drawing state, including information about elements of the control currently drawn. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum DrawState


BeyondEof = 512

Space after end of file is currently drawing.

BeyondEol = 256

Space after end of line is currently drawing.

BookMark = 4096

Bookmark is currently drawing.

Brace = 128

Brace is currently drawing.

CodeSnippet = 16777216

Code snippet is currently drawing.

Control = 1

Entire control is currently drawing.

Gutter = 1024

Gutter area is currently drawing.

GutterImage = 2048

Gutter bookmark or other gutter image is currently drawing.

Info = 134217728

Info wavy line is currently drawing.

LineBookMark = 64

Line bookmark is currently drawing.

LineHighlight = 16

Line highlighter is currently drawing.

LineModificator = 131072

Line modificator is currently drawing.

LineNumber = 8192

Line number are currently drawing.

LineSeparator = 32

Line separator is currently drawing.

LineStyle = 8388608

Line Style is currently drawing.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

OutlineArea = 16384

Outline area is currently drawing.

OutlineButton = 65536

Outline button is currently drawing.

OutlineImage = 32768

Outline image (plus/minus button) is currently drawing.

Page = 1048576

Edit page is currently drawing.

PageBorder = 4194304

Page border is currently drawing.

PageHeader = 2097152

Page header is currently drawing.

Reference = 268435456

Symbol reference is currently drawing.

SearchResult = 536870912

Search result is currently drawing.

SelectedWord = 1073741824

Selected word is currently drawing.

Selection = 4

Text currently drawn is selected.

Spelling = 262144

Misspelled wavy line is currently drawing.

SyntaxError = 524288

Syntax error wavy line is currently drawing.

Text = 2

Text fragment is currently drawing.

UserMargin = 33554432

User margin is currently drawing.

Warning = 67108864

Warning wavy line is currently drawing.

WhiteSpace = 8

WhiteSpace is currently drawing.