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Enum GutterOptions


Defines gutter appearance and behaviour displayed at the left size of the Edit control. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum GutterOptions


None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

PaintBookMarks = 8

Specifies that bookmarks should be drawn.

PaintCodeActions = 128

Specifies that code action images should be drawn.

PaintCodeActionsOnGutter = 256

Specifies that code action images should be drawn on gutter area.

PaintLineModificators = 16

Specifies that line modificators (color stitch that indicates that the line content is modified, unmodified or saved) should be drawn.

PaintLineNumbers = 1

Specifies that numbers of lines should be drawn.

PaintLinesBeyondEof = 4

Specifies that numbers of lines should be drawn beyond end of file.

PaintLinesOnGutter = 2

Specifies that numbers of lines should be drawn at the gutter area rather than beyond the gutter.

PaintUserMargin = 32

Specifies that user margin (allowing to draw additional information) should be drawn.

SelectLineOnClick = 64

Specifies that entire line should be selected while user holds "Shift" key and left clicks mouse on gutter.