Table of Contents

Enum HitTest


Contains information about a part of the Edit control at a specified coordinate. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum HitTest


Above = 1

Above the Edit control client area.

Below = 2

Below the Edit control client area.

BeyondEof = 128

Beyond file end.

BeyondEol = 64

Beyond line end.

BookMark = 2048

On the bookmark.

Gutter = 256

On the gutter area.

GutterImage = 1024

On the gutter image.

HyperText = 131072

On the hypertext.

Left = 4

Left to the Edit control client area.

LineModificator = 32768

On the line modificator area.

LineNumber = 65536

On the line numbers area.

Margin = 512

On the margin area.

Minimap = 1048576

On the minimap area.

None = 0

No part.

OutlineArea = 4096

On the outline area.

OutlineButton = 16384

On the outline button.

OutlineImage = 8192

On the outline image(plus/minus) button.

Page = 262144

On the page.

PageWhiteSpace = 524288

On the interval between pages.

Right = 8

Right to the Edit control client area.

Selection = 32

On the selected text.

Text = 16

On the text.