Table of Contents

Interface ICollapsable


Represents properties and methods to affects appearance and behaviour of outline sections within Edit control.

public interface ICollapsable



When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether outlining enabled.


When implemented by a class, returns number of collapsed sections.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets outlining options.



When implemented in a class, returns boolean value indicating that outline section at given line can be collapsed.


When implemented in a class, returns boolean value indicating that given outline section can be expanded.


When implemented in a class, returns boolean value indicating that outline section at given line can be expanded.


When implemented by a class, collapses the specified line.


When implemented by a class, collapses and expands some outline section to get a quick overall view of the content.


When implemented by a class, makes all outline sections containing specified position expanded.


When implemented by a class, makes all outline sections containing specified line expanded.


When implemented by a class, expands outline section at the given line.


When implemented by a class, collapses all outlining sections.


When implemented by a class, collapses all sections objects specified by Ranges parameter.


When implemented by a class, expands all outlining sections.


When implemented by a class, expands all outline sections specified by Ranges parameter.


When implemented by a class, returns string that appears in the hint window when mouse pointer is over the outline button.


When implemented by a class, returns outline section, which represents text substituting outlined section and level of outline nesting at the specific position.


When implemented by a class, returns outline section, which represents text substituting outlined section and level of outline nesting at the specific line.


When implemented by a class, fills list specified by ranges parameter with all existing outline sections.

GetOutlineRanges(IList<IRange>, Point)

When implemented by a class, fills list specified by ranges parameter with all outline sections containing specific position.

GetOutlineRanges(IList<IRange>, Point, Point)

When implemented by a class, fills list specified by ranges parameter with all outline sections containing specific range.

GetOutlineRanges(IList<IRange>, int)

When implemented by a class, fills list specified by ranges parameter with all outline sections containing specific line.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether the outlined text at the specified line is collapsed.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether the outlined text at the specified line is expanded.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether the text at the specified position is visible, that is there is no collapsed outline section containing given position.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether the text at the specified line is visible, that is there is no collapsed outline section containing given line.

Outline(Point, Point)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope within current outlined section.

Outline(Point, Point, int)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope at the specific level of outline nesting.

Outline(Point, Point, int, string)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope at specific level of outline nesting and with specific text substituting collapsed text.

Outline(Point, Point, string)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope within current outlined section and with specific text substituting collapsed text.

Outline(int, int)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope within current outlined section.

Outline(int, int, int)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope at the specific level of outline nesting.

Outline(int, int, int, string)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope at specific level of outline nesting and with specific text substituting collapsed text.

Outline(int, int, string)

When implemented by a class, creates an outlining section based on specific scope within current outlined section and with specific text substituting collapsed text.


When implemented by a class, resets AllowOutlining to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets OutlineOptions to the default value.


When implemented by a class, updates IOutlineRange collection from given list of ranges.

SetOutlineRanges(IList<IRange>, bool)

When implemented by a class, updates IOutlineRange collection from given list of ranges.


When implemented by a class, toggles expanded state for all IOutlineRange objects in outline collection.

ToggleOutlining(IList<IRange>, IOutlineRange)

When implemented by a class, toggles expanded state for given IOutlineRange collection.


When implemented by a class, removes all outlined sections from outline collection.


When implemented by a class, removes outlined section at the specific position.


When implemented by a class, removes all outline sections containing the given line.



When implemented by a class, occurs when user attempts collapse outline section.


When implemented by a class, occurs when user attempts expand outline section.