Table of Contents

Interface IDisplayStrings


Represents properties and methods for a collection of visible strings in the Edit control.

public interface IDisplayStrings : IStringList, IList<string>, ICollection<string>, IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable, ITabulation, IWordWrap, ITextSearch, IUpdate, IWordBreak, ICollapsable, ITextExport, IExport, ITextImport, IImport
Extension Methods



Gets or sets a value indicating whether hidden lines are enabled.


When implemented by a class, returns number of visible lines.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating if white space styles are ignored.


When implemented by a class, provides an indexed access to individual strings stored in the collection.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating if the text position can be set to the end of the wrapped line.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets the collection of underlying "real" collection of text lines.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating if the display strings was fully formatted.


When implemented by a class, gets width of the largest line in the control's text.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating if conversion from tabs to spaces is suppressed.



When implemented by a class, responds on deleting some block of lines within the editor control.


When implemented by a class, converts the specified display coordinates to the text coordinates.

DisplayPointToPoint(int, int)

When implemented by a class, converts the specified display coordinates to text coordinates.

DisplayPointToPoint(int, int, bool, bool, bool)

When implemented by a class, converts the specified display coordinates to the text coordinates.

DisplayPointToPoint(int, int, ref bool)

When implemented by a class, converts the specified display coordinates to the text coordinates.


When implemented by a class, returns color information related to the specified line.


When implemented by a class, returns lexical style related to the specified position.

GetStringAndColorData(int, ref string, ref StringItemInfo[])

When implemented by a class, returns text and color information related to the specified line.

GetVisibleLines(out int, out int)

When implemented by a class, gets max range containing visible lines

IsPointCollapsed(Point, out IRange)

When implemented by a class, indicates whether given position is in invisible area of the editor control.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether given position is in visible area of the editor control.

Notify(NotifyState, int, int)

When implemented by a class, notifies editor about updating IDisplayStrings state.


When implemented by a class, converts the specified text coordinates to display coordinates.

PointToDisplayPoint(int, int)

When implemented by a class, converts the specified text coordinates to display coordinates.

PointToDisplayPoint(int, int, bool)

When implemented by a class, converts the specified text coordinates to display coordinates.

PositionChanged(UpdateReason, int, int, int, int)

When implemented by a class, responds on changing position in the editor.


When implemented by a class, updates outline ranges for the hidden lines


When implemented by a class, forces IDisplayStrings to recalculate its content.