Interface IGutter
Represents properties and methods to operate with gutter at the left side of the Edit control.
public interface IGutter : IUpdate, IDisposable
- AlphaImages
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an AlphaImageList object that contains collection of images for gutter.
- AlphaImagesHighDpi
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an AlphaImageList object that contains collection of images for gutter for high DPI.
- BookMarkImageIndex
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value that specifies index of item in the image collection used to paint bookmark.
- Brush
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a Brush object used to paint gutter.
- BrushColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets background color of the gutter.
- CodeActionImageIndex
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value that specifies index of item in the image collection used to paint light bulb.
- CodeActionPosition
When implemented by a class, gets or sets code action position within the text.
- DisplayArea
When implemented by a class, gets display area of the gutter, including line numbers and outlining area, but not including line modificators if they're painted outside gutter.
- DisplayWidth
When implemented by a class, gets display width of the gutter, including line numbers and outlining area.
- DrawLineBookmarks
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether Edit control should draw triangle at bookmark position inside line.
- HighlightBlockAreaColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a background color of the highlighted block area.
- HighlightOutlineAreaColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a background color of the highlighted outline area.
- Images
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an ImageList object that contains collection of images for gutter.
- ImagesHighDpi
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an ImageList object that contains collection of images for gutter for high DPI.
- ImagesResourceNameSuffix
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the image resource name suffix.
- LineBookmarksColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a color of the line bookmarks.
- LineModificatorChangedColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a color of the line modificators(color stitch that indicates that the line content is unmodified, modified or saved) in the modified state.
- LineModificatorSavedColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a color of the line modificators(color stitch that indicates that the line content is unmodified, modified or saved) in the saved state.
- LineNumbersAlignment
When implemented by a class, gets or sets line numbers alignment information.
- LineNumbersBackColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets background color of the line numbers.
- LineNumbersForeColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets foreground color of the line numbers.
- LineNumbersLeftIndent
When implemented by a class, gets or sets line numbers indentation from the left gutter border. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- LineNumbersLeftIndentInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets line numbers indentation from the left gutter border in pixels.
- LineNumbersRightIndent
When implemented by a class, gets or sets line numbers indentation from the right gutter border. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- LineNumbersRightIndentInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets line numbers indentation from the right gutter border in pixels.
- LineNumbersStart
When implemented by a class, gets or sets index of the first line being painted on the gutter.
- MaxLineNumberLength
When implemented by a class, gets or sets maximum count of numbers in the line number.
- Options
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a
that determine gutter appearance and behaviour.
- OutlineImageBackColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an outline image back color..
- OutlineRect
When implemented by a class, gets the rectangle that represents outline area.
- OutliningLeftIndent
When implemented by a class, gets or sets outlining indentation from the left gutter border. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- OutliningLeftIndentInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets outlining indentation from the left gutter border in pixels.
- OutliningRightIndent
When implemented by a class, gets or sets outlining indentation from the right gutter border. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- OutliningRightIndentInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets outlining indentation from the right gutter border in pixels.
- Pen
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a Pen object used to paint gutter line.
- PenColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets color of the gutter line.
- Rect
When implemented by a class, gets the rectangle that represents gutter area.
- ShowBookmarkHints
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether Edit control should display text describing bookmark in form of tooltip window when mouse pointer is over the gutter bookmark.
- UserMarginBackColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets background color of the user margin.
- UserMarginForeColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets foreground color for the user margin.
- UserMarginText
When implemented by a class, gets or sets text of the user margin.
- UserMarginWidth
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the width of the user margin area. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- UserMarginWidthInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets the width of the user margin area in pixels.
- Visible
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether the gutter area is visible.
- Width
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the width of the gutter. When auto scaling enabled, measured in DIP.
- WidthInPixels
When implemented by a class, gets the width of the gutter in pixels.
- WrapImageIndex
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value that specifies index of item in the image collection used to paint special mark indicating the wrapped line.
- Assign(IGutter)
When implemented by a class, copies the contents from another
- GetHitTest(int, int, IHitTestInfo)
When implemented by a class, fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the control at specified coordinate.
- GetImage(int)
When implemented by a class, gets image from the images collection
- InvalidateLineNumberArea(bool)
When implemented by a class, invalidates line number area if it needs to be altered.
Specifies whether line number width needs to be recalculated.
- OnClick(EventArgs)
When implemented by a class, raises the
- OnDoubleClick(EventArgs)
When implemented by a class, raises the
- Paint(IPainter, Rectangle)
When implemented by a class, draws gutter on the specified graphic surface.
- Paint(IPainter, Rectangle, int)
When implemented by a class, draws gutter on the specified graphic surface.
- ResetBookMarkImageIndex()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetBrushColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetDrawLineBookmarks()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetHighlightOutlineAreaColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineBookmarksColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineModificatorChangedColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineModificatorSavedColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersAlignment()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersBackColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersForeColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersLeftIndent()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersRightIndent()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineNumbersStart()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetOptions()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetOutlineImageBackColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetOutliningLeftIndent()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetOutliningRightIndent()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetPenColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetShowBookmarkHints()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetUserMarginBackColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetUserMarginForeColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetUserMarginText()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetUserMarginWidth()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetVisible()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetWidth()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetWrapImageIndex()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- Click
When implemented by a class, occurs when the
- DoubleClick
When implemented by a class, occurs when the
- DrawUserMargin
When implemented by a class, occurs when user margin part of each line is drawing.