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Method Add


Add(Keys, KeyEventEx, object, int, int)

When implemented by a class, adds a new key to key collection with specified parameters.

void Add(Keys keys, KeyEventEx action, object param, int state, int leaveState)


keys Keys

Key added to the collection.

action KeyEventEx

Extended action that executes when the key is pressed.

param object

Object passed as a parameter to the extended action.

state int

State of the Edit control when key is pressed.

leaveState int

State of the Edit control after key is pressed.

Add(Keys, KeyEvent, int, int)

When implemented by a class, adds a new key to key collection with specified parameters.

void Add(Keys keys, KeyEvent action, int state, int leaveState)


keys Keys

Key added to the collection.

action KeyEvent

Action that executes when the key is pressed.

state int

State of the Edit control before key is pressed.

leaveState int

State of the Edit control after key is pressed.

Add(Keys, KeyEventEx, object)

When implemented by a class, adds a new key to key collection with specified parameters.

void Add(Keys keys, KeyEventEx action, object param)


keys Keys

Key added to the collection.

action KeyEventEx

Extended action that executes when the key is pressed.

param object

Object passed as a parameter to the extended action.

Add(Keys, KeyEvent)

When implemented by a class, adds a new key to key collection with specified action.

void Add(Keys keys, KeyEvent action)


keys Keys

Key added to the collection.

action KeyEvent

Action that executes when the key is pressed.