Interface ISyntaxEdit
Represents properties and methods for an advanced multi-line Edit control.
public interface ISyntaxEdit : ISearch, ITextSearch, IEditNotifier, INotifier, ICaret, IEditNavigate, INavigate, IEdit, IUpdate, IWordWrap, ITextExport, IExport, ITextImport, IImport, ICodeCompletion, IFindReferences, IRecordPlayBack, ISplitView, IAutoCorrect, IControl
- AcceptReturns
When implemented by a class, gets or set a boolean value that indicates whether Enter key should be accepted by Edit control as input key.
- AcceptTabs
When implemented by a class, gets or set a boolean value that indicates whether TAB key should be accepted by Edit control as input key.
- ActiveOutlineRange
When implemented by a class, gets currently highlighted outlined range.
- BorderColor
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the border color for the Edit control.
- BorderStyle
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the border style for the Edit control.
- BorderWidth
When implemented by a class, gets or sets the border width for the SyntaxEdit control.
- Braces
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface allowing to change appearance of matching braces within the control.
- CharsInWidth
When implemented by a class, returns number of characters painted with current font that will fit into control's client area.
- ClientArea
When implemented by a class, gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the Edit control. Non-client areas area like rulers are excluded.
- ClientHeight
When implemented by a class, gets the width of the client area of the Edit control.
- ClientRect
When implemented by a class, gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the Edit control.
- ClientWidth
When implemented by a class, gets the height of the client area of the Edit control.
- DisplayLines
When implemented by a class, represents the object that implements
interface containing collection of lines to be drawn in the control.
- EditMargin
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface and specifies appearance of vertical line drawn over the text and used to mark some limit, for example, of the maximum string length allowed.
- EffectiveVisualTheme
Whem implemented by a class, gets current visual theme.
- EventHandlers
When implemented by a class, represents object that holds
containing list of keys with attached actions.
- Gutter
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
interface containing methods and properties necessary to operate with gutter at the left size of the control.
- HyperText
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
interface allowing to customize appearance and behaviour of hypertext sections within the control.
- KeyList
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
containing list of keys with attached actions, which executed by key pressure.
- Lexer
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an object that can make lexical analysis for the control's content.
- LineSeparator
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface containing methods and properties necessary to separate lines and highlight current line within the control.
- LineSpace
When implemented by a class, gets or sets line space between individual lines in the Edit control.
- LineStyles
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface holding collection ofILineStyle
objects each of them determines particular style of the line in the control.
- Lines
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
interface containing collection of strings determining control's content.
- LinesInHeight
When implemented by a class, determines how many lines can fit into control's client area.
- Minimap
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
interface containing methods and properties necessary to operate with minimap at the right size of the control.
- OpenSharedEditorFunc
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a function that open
instance in multi-document environment.
- Outlining
When implementing by a class, represents an object that implements
interface that specifies appearance and behaviour of outline sections within the control.
- Pages
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface containing properties and methods representing collection of particular pages.
- Painter
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface used to draw control's text.
- Printing
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface allowing to perform various printing actions such as print, preview document, and setup print options.
- Scrolling
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface containing properties and methods that describe scrolling behaviour of the control.
- Selection
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface. This object represents various properties and methods to manipulate text selection, such as copy, paste and drag selected text.
- Source
When implemented by a class, gets or sets an object that implements
interface containing an actual string data displayed by the control.
- Spelling
When implemented by a class, represents object that implements
interface containing properties and methods to check control's content spelling and highlight misspelled words.
- Strings
When implemented by a class, represents
property in the form of array of strings.
- SyntaxPaint
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface containing properties and methods used to draw editor content.
- Transparent
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether Edit control should draw its background.
- UseDefaultMenu
When implemented by a class, indicates whether edit control should use built in popup menu.
- VisualTheme
When implemented by a class, gets or sets visual theme for the editor.
- VisualThemeType
When implemented by a class, gets or sets visual theme type for the editor.
- WhiteSpace
When implemented by a class, represents an object that implements
interface. This object specifies appearance of white space characters, as well as End-of-line and End-of-file marks.
- ApplyTheme(IVisualTheme)
Whem implemented by a class, applies visual theme to the SyntaxEdit control.
- Assign(ISyntaxEdit)
When implemented by a class, assigns most relevant properties from another
- DisplayGotoLineDialog()
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog prompting you for index of the line you need to locate.
- DisplayGotoLineDialog(IWin32Window)
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog prompting you for index of the line you need to locate.
- DisplayModalReplaceDialog()
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a modal dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplayModalReplaceDialog(IWin32Window)
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a modal dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplayModalSearchDialog()
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a modal dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplayModalSearchDialog(IWin32Window)
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a modal dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplayReplaceDialog()
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplayReplaceDialog(IWin32Window)
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplaySearchDialog()
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplaySearchDialog(IWin32Window)
When implemented by a class, initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplayToScreen(int, int)
When implemented by a class, converts given display coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- DisplayToScreen(int, int, bool)
When implemented by a class, converts given display coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- GetCharsInWidth(int)
When implemented by a class, returns number of characters painted with current font that will fit into specified Width.
- GetClientRectangle()
When implemented by a class, gets the rectangle that represents the client area excluding custom border of the Edit control.
- GetHitTest(Point, IHitTestInfo)
When implemented by a class, fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the control at specified coordinate.
- GetHitTest(int, int, IHitTestInfo)
When implemented by a class, fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the control at specified coordinate.
- GetHitTestAtTextPoint(Point, IHitTestInfo)
When implemented by a class, fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of control at specified text coordinate.
- GetHitTestAtTextPoint(int, int, IHitTestInfo)
When implemented by a class, retrieves information about part of control at specified text coordinate.
- GetLinesInHeight(int)
When implemented by a class, determines how many lines can fit into given Height.
- GetTextAtCursor()
When implemented by a class, returns word at the cursor position.
- HideScrollHint()
When implemented by a class, hides scroll hint window if necessary.
- MakeVisible(Point)
When implemented by a class, scrolls the control's content, if necessary, to ensure a specified text position is in view.
- MakeVisible(Point, bool)
When implemented by a class, scrolls the control's content, if necessary, to ensure a specified text position is in view.
- MoveCaretOnDrag()
When implemented by a class, moves caret to the position of drag cursor.
- ProcessKeyMsg(ref Message)
When implemented by a class, processes a keyboard message.
- ProcessKeyPress(char)
When implemented by a class, processes key press.
- ProcessMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
When implemented by a class, processes a mouse move message.
- ResetAcceptReturns()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetAcceptTabs()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetBorderColor()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetBorderStyle()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ResetLineSpace()
When implemented by a class, resets the
to the default value.
- ScreenToDisplay(int, int)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to display coordinates(index of line and character).
- ScreenToDisplay(int, int, bool)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to display coordinates(index of line and character).
- ScreenToDisplayX(int, int)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to display coordinate of a character.
- ScreenToText(Point)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScreenToText(int, int)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScreenToText(int, int, ref bool)
When implemented by a class, converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ShowScrollHint(int)
When implemented by a class, displays tooltip indicating destination line when scrolling.
- TextToScreen(Point)
When implemented by a class, converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- TextToScreen(Point, bool)
When implemented by a class, converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- TextToScreen(int, int)
When implemented by a class, converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- UpdateView()
When implemented by a class, updates editor content, caret and pages area.
- ModifiedChanged
When implemented by a class, occurs when modified state is changed.
- PaintBackground
When implemented by a class, occurs when Edit control should paint its background in transparent mode.
- PromptOnReplace
When implemented by a class, occurs when replace dialog prompts on replace action.
- SourceChanged
When implemented by a class, occurs when source changes.
- SourceStateChanged
When implemented by a class, occurs when text Source's state is changed, for example when caret position moved, text edited, amount of lines changed, lexer changed, etc.