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Enum PrintOptions


Defines appearance of the printed page when sending Editor's content to the printer. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum PrintOptions


DisplayProgress = 256

Specifies that progress of the printing operation should be displayed.

LineNumbers = 1

Specifies that document should print with line numbers.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

PageNumbers = 2

Specifies that document should print with page numbers.

PrintSelection = 8

Specifies that document should print only selected part of the text.

UseColors = 16

Specifies that document should print using colors.

UseFooter = 128

Specifies that document should print with footer.

UseHeader = 64

Specifies that document should print with header.

UseSyntax = 32

Specifies that lexical analysis should be used for the document being printed.

WordWrap = 4

Specifies that document should print with wrapping lines if necessary.