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Method OnTextFound


OnTextFound(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex, Match, Point, int, bool, out ISearch)

Raises TextFound event with specified parameters.

public virtual void OnTextFound(string fileName, string text, SearchOptions options, Regex expression, Match match, Point position, int len, bool multiLine, out ISearch search)


fileName string

Name of the file where text was found.

text string

Found text.

options SearchOptions

SearchOptions that define search behavior.

expression Regex

Represents a regular expression to find text.

match Match

Match if regular expression search successful.

position Point

Position where text was found.

len int

Length of found text.

multiLine bool

Determines if search text is found on multiple lines.

search ISearch

Retrieves ISearch object where text was found.


Raises TextFound event with specified ISearch object.

public virtual void OnTextFound(ISearch search)


search ISearch

ISearch object where text was found.