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Enum SeparatorOptions


Specifies options for highlighting and separating lines within Edit control. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum SeparatorOptions


HideHighlighting = 2

Specifies that current line in Edit control should not be highlighted when control looses input focus.

HighlightCurrentLine = 1

Specifies that current line in Edit control should be highlighted.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

SeparateBeyondEof = 32

Specifies that Line separator is drawn between lines beyond end of file.

SeparateContent = 16

Specifies that Line separator is drawn between separate sections of the text, for example between methods.

SeparateLines = 4

Specifies that lines are visually separated in Edit control.

SeparateWrapLines = 8

Specifies that Line separator is drawn between lines that are dropped due to word break procedure.