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Constructor CodeSnippetRange


CodeSnippetRange(Point, Point)

Initializes a new instance of the CodeSnippetRange class with specified parameters.

public CodeSnippetRange(Point start, Point end)


start Point

Start of CodeSnippetRange area.

end Point

End of CodeSnippetRange area.

CodeSnippetRange(Point, Point, string, string, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the SnippetRange class with specified parameter.

public CodeSnippetRange(Point start, Point end, string id, string tooltip, bool isEditable)


start Point

Specifies start position of the code snippet.

end Point

Specifies end position of the code snippet.

id string

Specifies id of the code snippet.

tooltip string

Specifies short description of the code snippet.

isEditable bool

Specifies whether code snippet can be edited.

CodeSnippetRange(Point, Point, string, string, bool, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the SnippetRange class with specified parameter.

public CodeSnippetRange(Point start, Point end, string id, string tooltip, bool isEditable, bool supportsCode)


start Point

Specifies start position of the code snippet.

end Point

Specifies end position of the code snippet.

id string

Specifies id of the code snippet.

tooltip string

Specifies short description of the code snippet.

isEditable bool

Specifies whether code snippet can be edited.

supportsCode bool

Specifies whether code snippet supports code.

CodeSnippetRange(Point, Point, string, string, bool, bool, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the SnippetRange class with specified parameter.

public CodeSnippetRange(Point start, Point end, string id, string tooltip, bool isEditable, bool supportsCode, bool visible)


start Point

Specifies start position of the code snippet.

end Point

Specifies end position of the code snippet.

id string

Specifies id of the code snippet.

tooltip string

Specifies short description of the code snippet.

isEditable bool

Specifies whether code snippet can be edited.

supportsCode bool

Specifies whether code snippet supports code.

visible bool

Specifies whether code snippet should be highlighted.