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Method SetBookMark


SetBookMark(Point, int, int, int, string, string, string, object, string)

Sets the bookmark with specified parameters.

public void SetBookMark(Point position, int group, int bookMark, int imageIndex, string name, string description, string url, object tag, string fileName)


position Point

Specifies position of the IBookMark.

group int

The integer value that specifies group associated with this IBookMark.

bookMark int

The integer value that specifies IBookMark index.

imageIndex int

The integer value that specifies IBookMark imageIndex.

name string

The string value that specifies IBookMark name.

description string

The string value that specifies IBookMark description.

url string

The string value that specifies url of the IBookMark to toggle.

tag object

The Tag property of BookMark.

fileName string

The string value that specifies IBookMark file name.