Interface ICodeCompletion
Represents properties and methods to provide code completion list box/tooltip for the Editor's content.
public interface ICodeCompletion
- CodeCompletionBox
When implemented by a class, represents object that specifies a popup window that contains Code completion information presented in the form of list.
- CodeCompletionChars
When implemented by a class, represents a collection of characters that initializes a code completion procedure when typing in the editor.
- CodeCompletionHint
When implemented by a class, represents object that specifies a popup window that contains Code completion information presented in the form of the tooltip.
- IsCodeCompletionWindowFocused
When implemented by a class, indicates whether
has focus.
- CodeCompletion(CodeCompletionArgs)
When implemented by a class, performs code completion for the specified text representing language element.
- CodeCompletionWindowFocused(out Control)
When implemented by a class, indicates whether
has focus.
- CodeSnippets()
When implemented by a class, displays a code completion window with list of available code snippets.
- CompleteWord()
When implemented by a class, displays a code completion window that lists members of the current class in the Editor's content and locates single member, if possible.
- InsertCodeSnippet(ICodeSnippet, Point)
Inserts Code Snippet at the given position in the text
- IsValidText(Point)
When implemented by a class, indicates whether text at the specified position is valid (that is does not contain comments or string constants).
- ListMembers()
When implemented by a class, displays a code completion window that lists members of the current class in the Editor's content.
- ParameterInfo()
When implemented by a class, displays a code completion window containing information for the current method or parameter in the Editor's content.
- QuickInfo()
When implemented by a class, displays a code completion window with simple tooltip information.
- ShowCodeCompletionBox(ICodeCompletionProvider, CodeCompletionType)
When implemented by a class, shows code completion popup window with given provider at the current position.
- ShowCodeCompletionBox(ICodeCompletionProvider, CodeCompletionType, Point)
When implemented by a class, shows code completion popup window with given Provider at the specified position.
- ShowCodeCompletionHint(ICodeCompletionProvider, ILexer)
When implemented by a class, displays
with given provider at the current position.
- ShowCodeCompletionHint(ICodeCompletionProvider, Point, ILexer)
When implemented by a class, displays
with given provider at the specified position.
- CodeSnippetInserted
When implemented by a class, occurs when code completion window is to be displayed.
- NeedCodeCompletion
When implemented by a class, occurs when code completion window is to be displayed.