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Interface IEdit


Represents properties and methods used for editing the text.

public interface IEdit



When implemented by a class, gets or sets Alternet.Editor.IndentOptions for this class, allowing to customize behavior of Edit control when user presses Enter to insert new text line.


When implemented by a class, specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the edit control.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether the control's text content is modified.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether the inserted text overwrites existing text.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether the control's content is read-only.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether the control accepts only one line of the text.



When implemented by a class, breaks current line into two lines.


When implemented by a class, determines if a specified block can be deleted.

DeleteBlock(Rectangle, bool)

When implemented by a class, deletes a specified block of characters.

DeleteLeft(int, bool)

When implemented by a class, deletes a specified number of characters to the left of the active point.

DeleteRight(int, bool)

When implemented by a class, deletes a specified number of characters to the right of the active point.


When implemented by a class, gets indentation string at current position.


When implemented by a class, inserts spaces to the start of the current line. Number of spaces is calculated from indent options or SyntaxParser if assigned.

IndentLine(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts white space to the start of the current line.

white space string Indicates if the change needs to be translated to the parser
Insert(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts the given string at the specified location.

InsertBlock(ITextStrings, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts the given string collection at the specified location.

InsertBlock(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts the given string at the specified location.

InsertBlock(string[], bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts the given string array at the specified location.

InsertBlock(string[], bool, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts the given string array at the specified location.


When implemented by a class, inserts the file text content at the specified location.


When implemented by a class, determines whether the given line is hidden.


When implemented by a class, determines whether the given line is readonly.


When implemented by a class, inserts a line break at the current position.

NewLine(ref string, bool)

When implemented by a class, inserts a line break at the current position with indentation.


When implemented by a class, inserts a line break above the current position.


When implemented by a class, inserts a line break below the current position.


When implemented by a class, determines whether the text at given position is readonly.


When implemented by a class, resets the IndentOptions to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets the MaxLength to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets the Modified to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets the OverWrite to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets the Readonly to the default value.


When implemented by a class, resets the SingleLineMode to the default value.

SetLineHidden(int, bool)

When implemented by a class, sets hidden state for the given line.

SetLineHidden(int[], bool)

When implemented by a class, sets hidden state for the given line.

SetLineReadonly(int, bool)

When implemented by a class, sets readonly state for the given line.

SetLineReadonly(int[], bool)

When implemented by a class, sets readonly state for the given line.


When implemented by a class, concatenates lines at current position.