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Interface ISearch


Represents properties and methods used to search and replace control's text content.

public interface ISearch : ITextSearch



When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether control launches text search at first.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a dialog prompting for index of the line you need to locate.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether search results are highlighted while the search dialog is open.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether control is in incremental search state.


When implemented by a class, return text to search if class is in incremental search state; otherwise return empty string.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a dialog box allowing to search for the text or replace it.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value indicating whether search should be global.


When implemented by a class, represents length of the last found text.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value that defines search and replace options.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a value that represents position of the last found text.



When implemented by a class, indicates whether search engine can find next occurrence of the text specified by previous search or it is only first attempt to search.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether search engine can find next occurrence of the selected text or it is the first attempt to search.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether search engine can find previous occurrence of the text specified to search or it is the first attempt to search.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether search engine can find previous occurrence of the selected text or it is the first attempt to search.

CanSearchSelection(out string)

When implemented by a class, returns whether search can be performed inside selection.

CycledSearch(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool)

When implemented by a class, performs cycled search.


When implemented by a class, searches for given text within the control's contents.

Find(string, SearchOptions)

When implemented by a class, searches for given text within the control's contents with specified options.

Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex)

When implemented by a class, searches for given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.

Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool, bool)

When implemented by a class, searches for all occurrences of given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.

Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex, IList<IRange>)

When implemented by a class, searches for all occurrences of given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.


When implemented by a class, searches for the next occurrence of the text specified by previous search.


When implemented by a class, searches for the next occurrence of the selected text.


When implemented by a class, searches for the previous occurrence of the text specified by previous search.


When implemented by a class, searches for the previous occurrence of the selected text.


When implemented by a class, leaves control from the incremental search state. StartIncrementalSearch()


When implemented by a class, returns word at the cursor position.

HighlightAll(string, SearchOptions, Regex)

When implemented by a class, highlights all occurrences of specified string in the class text content.


When implemented by a class, highlights all occurrences of selected whole word in the class text content.


When implemented by a class, finds given text incrementally.

IncrementalSearch(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, finds given text incrementally.

MarkAll(string, SearchOptions, bool)

When implemented by a class, marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.

MarkAll(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool)

When implemented by a class, marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.

MarkAll(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.

NeedReplaceCurrent(out Match)

When implemented by a class, indicates whether search engine need to replace successfully found and selected text.

OnTextFound(string, SearchOptions, Regex, Match, Point, int, bool, bool)

When implemented by a class, occurs when search text is found.

Replace(string, string)

When implemented by a class, searches for the first occurrence of given text within the text content and if succeed replaces it by specified string.

Replace(string, string, SearchOptions)

When implemented by a class, searches for first occurrence given text within the text content with specified options and if succeed replaces it by specified string.

Replace(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex)

When implemented by a class, searches for first occurrence given text within the text content with specified options using specified regular expression and if succeed replaces it by specified string.

ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, out int)

When implemented by a class, replaces all occurrences of given text within text content by specified replaceWith string.

ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex, out int)

When implemented by a class, replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.

ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex, out int, out bool)

When implemented by a class, replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.

ReplaceAll(string, string, out int)

When implemented by a class, replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.

ReplaceCurrent(string, SearchOptions, Match)

When implemented by a class, replaces currently selected text.


When implemented by a class, displays "searched text not found" message box.


When implemented by a class, enters control to the incremental search state. FinishIncrementalSearch()


When implemented by a class, enters control to the incremental search state. FinishIncrementalSearch()


When implemented by a class, unhighlights search results previously highlighted by HighlightAll.



When implemented by a class, occurs when the TextEditor text changes.