Class MinimapLayer
Represents a surface for rendering minimap text area.
public class MinimapLayer : Layer, IAnimatable, IInputElement
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Extension Methods
- MinimapLayer(TextEditorView)
Initializes a new instance of the
class with specified parameters.
- VisualChildrenCount
Gets the number of child elements for the Visual.
- ArrangeCore(Rect)
Defines the template for WPF core-level arrange layout definition.
- GetHitTest(double, double, IHitTestInfo)
Fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the layer at specified coordinate.
- GetVisualChild(int)
Returns the specified Visual in the parent VisualCollection.
- MeasureCore(Size)
When overridden in a derived class, provides measurement logic for sizing this element properly, with consideration of the size of any child element content.
- RemoveAllItems()
Clears visual items collection.