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Enum NavigateOptions


Defines specific options for navigation through the editor's content. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum NavigateOptions


BeyondEof = 2

Specifies that user can navigate beyond end of file.

BeyondEol = 1

Specifies that user can navigate beyond end of line.

DownAtLineEnd = 8

Specifies that the current position should move to the next line when user click Right key at the end of the line.

KeepCaret = 32

Specifies that caret should not move when modifying lines programmatically.

MoveOnRightButton = 16

Specifies that current should moves to the mouse pointer when a user clicks right mouse button.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

UpAtLineBegin = 4

Specifies that the current position should move to the previous line when user click Left key and caret locates at the line begin.