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Enum ScrollingOptions


Defines scrolling behavior. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum ScrollingOptions


AllowSplitHorz = 32

Allows user to split Edit control horizontally. This options works only if SystemScrollBars is off and control has Dock property set to DockStyle.Fill.

AllowSplitVert = 64

Allows user to split Edit control vertically. This options works only if SystemScrollBars is off and control has Dock property set to DockStyle.Fill.

FlatScrollbars = 16

Specifies that scroll bars appears in flat style.

HorzButtons = 128

Specifies that scroll bars should display a collection of horizontal buttons at the left side of the horizontal scroll bar. This options works only if SystemScrollBars is off.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

ScrollByPixels = 512

Specifies that scroll bars should calculate their size using pixels rather than characters.

ShowScrollHint = 2

Specifies that control should display hint text in the popup window when user tracking the thumb.

SmoothScroll = 1

Specifies that Edit control should reposition immediately while user tracking the thumb.

SystemScrollbars = 8

Specifies that Edit control should use system scroll bars rather than scrollbar controls.

UseScrollDelta = 4

Specifies that horizontal scrolling should scroll client area at the several characters rather than one character when caret is at the right border.

VertButtons = 256

Specifies that scroll bars should display a collection of vertical buttons at the bottom side of vertical scroll bar. This options works only if SystemScrollBars is off.

VerticalScrollBarAnnotations = 1024

Specifies that annotations should be drawn over vertical scroll bar.