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Enum SelectionOptions


Defines appearance and behavior of selected text. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum SelectionOptions


ClearOnDrag = 65536

Specifies that selection should be deleted when dragging from external source.

ConvertToSpacesOnPaste = 16384

Specifies that selection should convert all tabs to spaces in the text being pasted when Lines.UseSpaces is on.

CopyLineWhenEmpty = 131072

Specifies that copy and cut operation should process entire line when selection is empty.

DeselectOnCopy = 64

Specifies that selection should be unselected when selected text copies to the Clipboard.

DeselectOnDblClick = 8192

Specifies that selection should be cleared by dblclick.

DeselectOnDrag = 2097152

Specifies that selection should be unselected after text is dragged into the Editor.

DisableCodeSnippetOnTab = 262144

Specifies that Edit control should not try to find and insert code snippet when tab key is pressed.

DisableDragging = 2

Disables dragging the selected text.

DisableSelection = 1

Disables to select any text.

DrawBorder = 2048

Specifies that Edit control should draw border around selection.

ExtendedBlockMode = 524288

Specifies that text entered in block selection mode affects all selected lines.

HideSelection = 16

Specifies that selected text should be draw as unselected text when control lost focus.

HighlightSelectedWords = 4194304

Specifies that the Edit control should select all instances of the chosen words.

None = 0

Specifies that no flags are in effect.

OverwriteBlocks = 256

Specifies that selected text should be replaced of text with whatever is typed next.

PersistentBlocks = 128

Specifies that selected text should be retained even when the cursor is moved, until a new block is selected.

RtfClipboard = 32768

Specifies that selection should copy it's content clipboard in rtf format.

SelectBeyondEol = 4

Specifies that selection is drawn beyond end of line.

SelectLineOnDblClick = 32

Specifies that whole line should be selected instead of single word when user double clicks on some text.

SelectLineOnTripleClick = 4096

Specifies that whole line should be selected when user triple clicks on some text.

SelectWordOnCtrlClick = 1048576

Specifies that word should be selected when user clicks on some text holding Ctrl Key.

SmartFormat = 512

Specifies that selected text should be formatted according to syntax rules when pasting.

UseColors = 8

Specifies that selection should paint preserving colors of the text fragments.

WordSelect = 1024

Specifies that Edit control should select words instead of single characters.