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Interface ICodeCompletionRepository


Represents properties and methods to perform code completion functionality.

public interface ICodeCompletionRepository : IDisposable



When implemented by a class, gets AlphaImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository.


When implemented by a class, gets AlphaImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository for high DPI.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether searching for language element's members should be case sensitive.


When implemented by a class, indicates whether members of Object class should be present in the member collection.


When implemented by a class, gets ImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository.


When implemented by a class, gets ImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository for high DPI.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets the image resource name suffix.


When implemented by a class, gets scaled AlphaImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository


When implemented by a class, gets scaled ImageList attached to this CodeCompletionRepository.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a hierarchical collection of ISyntaxNode elements.


When implemented by a class, gets or sets a list of ISyntaxTree objects attached to this ICodeCompletionRepository.


FillMember(IListMembers, object, string, int, CodeCompletionScope)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about individual member of specified language element.

FillMembers(ISyntaxNode, Point, IListMembers, object, string, CodeCompletionScope, ref int)

When implemented by a class, fills a provider with the members, providing available choices for the specified language element.

FindDeclaration(string, ISyntaxNode, Point)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about where the language element is declared.

FindReferences(ISyntaxNode, ISyntaxNodes)

When implemented by a class, locates all references to the node in the text.


When implemented by a class, returns code snippets for the given language.

GetDescription(IListMembers, ISyntaxNode, object, string, bool)

When implemented by a class, obtains description of some language element.

GetMemberType(ISyntaxNode, Point, object, string, out CodeCompletionScope)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about a member of some language element.

GetMemberType(string, ISyntaxNode, ref string, ref Point, ref Point, out CodeCompletionScope)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about some language element to perform code completion related operations.

GetMethodType(string, ISyntaxNode, ref string, ref Point, ref Point, out int, out int, out CodeCompletionScope)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about some method of specified language element.

GetNodeType(string, ISyntaxNode, Point)

When implemented by a class, obtains information type of the SyntaxNode


When implemented by a class, obtains priority of the given language element.

Specifies language element

When implemented by a class, returns information about the node.


When implemented by a class, returns information about the object.

GetSpecialMemberType(string, ISyntaxNode, ref string, ref Point, ref Point, out CodeCompletionScope)

When implemented by a class, obtains information about some language element to perform code completion related operations in special cases.

IsStructureGuideNode(ISyntaxNode, out IRange)

When implemented by a class, indicates whether specified ISyntaxNode is guide node.

RegisterSnippet(string, bool)

When implemented by a class, registers snippet to be displayed in code completion window.


When implemented by a class, adds specified tree to the list of syntax trees for code-completion related purposes.


When implemented by a class, removes specified snippet from the list of snippets.


When implemented by a class, removes specified tree from the list of syntax trees.



When implemented by a class, occurs while trying to obtain description of some language element.


When implemented by a class, occurs while trying to obtain information about some member of language element.