Namespace Alternet.Syntax.Parsers.Lsp
- CProject
Represents a class to manage C/C++ project content.
- CRepository
Represents properties and methods to perform code completion functionality for C/C++ languages.
- LspDocument
Represents a Language Server source code document that provides access to the source text.
- LspListMember
Implements properties and methods for a particular list member in the data collection of the code completion popups used to describe LSP-based language code.
- LspListMembers
Represents data collection related to popup list box controls used provide code completion for LSP-based language code.
- LspParser
Represents base class for LSP parsers. This class is abstract.
- LspRepository
Represents properties and methods to perform code completion functionality for LSP-based languages.
- ParserConsts
Contains default constants related to lexical and syntax analyzers.
- ServerDeploymentOptions
Specifies options for the LSP server deployment.
- ServerLocator
Finds location of the language server executable.
- ServerProcess
A ServerProcess is responsible for launching or attaching to a language server, providing access to its input and output streams, and tracking its lifetime.
- StdioServerProcess
A StdioServerProcess is a ServerProcess that launches its server as an external process and communicates with it over STDIN / STDOUT.
- StdioServerProcessEx
A StdioServerProcess is a ServerProcess that launches its server as an external process and communicates with it over STDIN / STDOUT.
- ServerDeploymentMode
Specifies possible language server deployment modes.