Namespace Alternet.Syntax.Parsers.Roslyn
- CodeFix
Represents properties and methods used to describe a particular code fix.
- CodeFixCollection
Represents a collection of fixes for source code diagnostics.
- CodeFixServiceProvider
Represents a collection that contains a list of code fixes.
- CodeRefactoring
Represents a collection of refactors for source code diagnostics.
- CodeRefactoringServiceProvider
Represents a collection that contains a list of code refactors.
- CsParser
Represents a class that performs syntax and lexical analysis of the specified C# code.
- ParserConsts
Contains default constants related to lexical and syntax analyzers.
- RoslynParser
Represents properties and methods to perform syntax analysis of the text intended to use for Roslyn supported languages.
- VbParser
Represents a class that performs syntax and lexical analysis of specified Visual Basic.NET code text.
- ICodeFixServiceProvider
Represents base interface for code fix provider.
- ICodeRefactoringServiceProvider
Represents base interface for code refactoring provider.
- IRoslynSolution
Represents properties and methods to service source code documents intended to use for Roslyn supported languages.