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Interface IExpressionEvaluator


Provides methods and properties that allow developers to evaluate expressions while debugging applications in the common language runtime (CLR) environment.

public interface IExpressionEvaluator


EvaluateChildrenAsync(string, CancellationToken)

When implemented by a class, evaluates all children for specified expression.


When implemented by a class, evaluates current expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.

EvaluateExpressionAsync(string, CancellationToken)

When implemented by a class, evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.

GetCodeCompletionService(ExecutionPosition, KeyConfiguration)

When implemented by a class, gets ICodeCompletionService object used to provide code completion for the expression evaluation.

SetExpressionValueAsync(string, string, CancellationToken)