Namespace Alternet.Scripter
- CoreClrLauncher
An utitity class used to launch .NET Core scripts.
- FileLoadEventArgs
Provides data for the
- ResolveReferenceEventArgs
Provides data for the
- ScriptConsts
Contains constants related to Scripter component.
- ScriptErrorEventArgs
Provides data for the
- ScriptGlobalItem
Describes a global object from the script.
- ScriptHost
Provides a base class for script execution. This class is abstract.
- ScriptMethod
Provides functionality to run particular script method.
- ScriptRun
Represents runner for script engine.
- ScriptSource
Provides methods and properties to work with script text, files or projects.
- ScriptCompilationDiagnostic
Provides data for compiler error.
- ScriptCompilationResult
Represent structured information of code compilation result.
- IScriptDebuggerRemoteControl
Represents methods for remote communication between application that executes script and debugger.
- IScriptGlobalItem
Represents properties declaration to describe a global object from the script.
- IScriptHost
Represents methods and properties declaration to support a script engine functionality.
- IScriptRemoteControl
Represents methods for remote communication between application that executes script and debugger.
- IScriptRun
Represents methods and properties declaration to describe runner for script engine.
- IScriptRunBase
Represents methods and properties declaration to describe runner for script engine.
- IScriptSource
Represents methods and properties to work with script text, files or projects.
- IScriptSourceBase
Represents methods and properties to work with script text, files or projects.
- ScriptAssemblyKind
Defines programming language used by the script engine.
- ScriptCompilationDiagnosticKind
Defines script error severity
- ScriptHostOptions
Discribes a set of options for the script host.
- ScriptLanguage
Defines programming language used by the script engine.
- ScriptMode
Defines debug or release mode for the scripts.
- ScriptPlatform
Defines target platform.
- ScriptTechnologyEnvironment
Defines a technology environment
- ScriptCompiledDelegate
Delegate for notification of remote control about the end of the compilation process.
- ScriptFinishedDelegate
Delegate for notification of remote control about the end of the script execution.