Class ScriptDebugger
Enables communication with a debugger.
public class ScriptDebugger : IScriptDebugger, IScriptDebuggerBase
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Breakpoints
Returns collection of debugger breakpoints.
- Capabilities
When implemented by a class, gets debugger capabilities.
- EventsSyncAction
Gets or sets an action used to synchronize events raising. This is normally a function provided by the application to sync raised debugger events (for example, perform Control.Invoke)
- ExpressionEvaluator
object used to evaluate expressions.
- IsStarted
Indicates whether debugging was started.
- Options
Gets start debugging options.
- ScopeResolutionService
object used to evaluate expressions.
- State
Gets current debugger state.
- ActivateThread(int)
When implemented by a class, switches debugging to the specified thread.
- AddBreakpoint(string, int)
Adds a
to the list.
- Break()
When implemented by a class, causes the given process to pause its execution so that its current state can be analyzed.
- ClearTemporaryGeneratedModules()
When implemented by a class, clears temporary generated modules on disk.
- Continue()
When implemented by a class, continues given process to the next breakpoint or until process finishes.
- EnableBreakpoint(string, int, bool)
Enables or disables breakpoint at specified position.
- EvaluateCurrentExceptionAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, evaluates current expression based on the current stack frame.
- EvaluateExpressionAsync(ExpressionEvaluationRequest, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.
- EvaluateExpressionsAsync(IEnumerable<ExpressionEvaluationRequest>, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.
- GetExecutionPositionAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, finds out current
based on the current stack frame.
- GetStackFramesAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, gets list of method calls that are currently on a stack
- GetThreadsAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, gets list of active threads.
- GetVariablesInScopeAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, receives all local variables based on the current stack frame.
- RemoveBreakpoint(string, int)
Removes a
from the list.
- RunScript(string[])
Starts executing the script without debugging.
- RunScriptAsync(string[])
Starts executing the script without debugging.
- SetRunToPositionBreakpoint(RunToPositionBreakpoint)
When implemented by a class, causes debugger to stop at the specified position.
- StartDebugging()
When implemented by a class, starts executing the program from the entry point with default settings.
- StartDebugging(StartDebuggingOptions)
When implemented by a class, starts executing the program from the entry point with specified settings.
- StepInto()
When implemented by a class, executes one statement of code; steps into the next function call, if possible.
- StepOut()
When implemented by a class, executes one statement of code; steps out of the function currently being executed.
- StepOver()
When implemented by a class, executes one statement of code; steps over the next function call.
- StopDebuggingAsync(CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, stops executing the program.
- SwitchToStackFrame(StackFrame)
When implemented by a class, switches debugging to the given stack frame.
- TrySetNextStatementAsync(int, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, tries to set the execution point to the specified line of code.
- ActiveThreadChanged
When implemented by a class, occurs when thread to be debugged changes.
- BeforeContinue
Occurs before debugger continues to program execution.
- BeforeStep
Occurs before debugger performs a step.
- BeforeStop
Occurs before debugger stop debugging.
- DebuggerErrorOccured
When implemented by a class, occurs when encounters error during debugging session.
- DebuggingStarted
When implemented by a class, occurs when debugging session is started.
- DebuggingStopped
When implemented by a class, occurs when debugging session is stopped.
- ExecutionResumed
When implemented by a class, occurs when debugging is resumed after being paused.
- ExecutionStopped
When implemented by a class, occurs when debugging is paused.
- LogMessageReceived
When implemented by a class, occurs when debug message is received.
- SourceFileLocationResolve
Occurs when source file location resolution is requested.
- StackFrameSwitched
When implemented by a class, occurs debugger switches to the stack frame
- StateChanged
When implemented by a class, occurs when debugger state is changed.