Table of Contents

Enum PopupAnimations


Types of animation of the pop-up window.

public enum PopupAnimations


Blend = 524288

Uses a fade effect.

BottomToTop = 8

Animates the window from bottom to top. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation.

Center = 16

Makes the window appear to collapse inward if it is hiding or expand outward if the window is showing.

LeftToRight = 1

Animates the window from left to right. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation.

None = 0

Uses no animation.

RightToLeft = 2

Animates the window from right to left. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation.

Roll = 1048576

Uses a roll animation.

Slide = 262144

Uses a slide animation.

SystemDefault = 2097152

Uses a default animation.

TopToBottom = 4

Animates the window from top to bottom. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation.