Interface IScriptHost
Represents methods and properties declaration to support a script engine functionality.
public interface IScriptHost : IDisposable
- AssemblyFileName
When implemented by a class, gets script assembly file name.
- AutoGeneratedAssemblyInfo
Whem implemented by a class, gets an auto-generated assembly info code.
- AutoGeneratedCode
When implemented by a class, gets an auto-generated code.
- CertificatePassword
When implemented by a class, gets or sets pfx certificate password used to sign an assembly with certificate.
- CertificatePath
When implemented by a class, gets or sets pfx certificate file path used to sign an assembly with certificate.
- CertificateTimeStampURL
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a timestamp URL for time-stamping certificate signature.
- CompileFailed
When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating unsuccessful script compilation.
- Compiled
When implemented by a class, gets boolean value indicating that script has been compiled and ready to be executed.
- CompilerErrors
When implemented by a class, gets list of compiler errors associated with the script being executed.
- ExecutableModulePath
When implemented by a class, gets script assembly path.
- GenerateModulesOnDisk
When implemented by a class, gets or sets value indicating whether script assembly should be written to the disk or kept in memory.
- GlobalCode
When implemented by a class, gets a global code required for global items.
- HostGlobalObject
When implemented by a class, gets or sets global type to be used with CSharScript.
- ModulesDirectoryPath
When implemented by a class, gets or sets path for compiled script assemblies.
- Options
When implemented by a class, gets or sets additional script host options.
- ReuseCompiledModulesFromDisk
When implemented by a class, gets or sets boolean value indicating whether to attempt to reuse existing compile results from disk, if up-to-date.
- ScriptAssembly
When implemented by a class, returns compiled script assembly.
- ScriptRun
When implemented by a class, gets
associated this script host.
- StrongKeyPath
When implemented by a class, gets a strong key file path used to sign an assembly with a strong key.
- Compile(bool, bool, bool)
When implemented by a class, initializes script engine and compiles the script.
- CopyReferencedAssemblies()
When implemented by a class, copies all non-GAC assemblies referenced by a script to the output directories.
- EvaluateExpression(string)
When implemented by a class, evaluates specified expression.
- EvaluateExpressionAsync(string, CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, evaluates specified expression asynchronously.
- ReferencesDotNetCoreRuntime(out Version)
When implemented by a class, detects a version of the DotNET Core installed on the PC.
- Reset()
When implemented by a class, closes the script engine and releases all resources.
- ResolveReferences()
When implemented by a class, returns list of assembly references used by the script.
- ResolveReferences(IList<string>)
When implemented by a class, returns list of assembly references used by the script.
- Run(string[])
When implemented by a class, executes script starting from the main entry point.
- RunAsync(string[], CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, executes script asynchronously starting from the main entry point.
- RunMethod(string, object, object[])
When implemented by a class, executes specified method.
- RunMethodAsync(string, object, object[], CancellationToken)
When implemented by a class, executes specified method asynchronously.
- RunProcess(string[], bool)
When implemented by a class, executes script starting from the main entry point in standalone process.
- SyntaxCheck()
When implemented by a class, performs syntax check of the script.