Class TextEditor
Represents advanced multi-line Edit control.
public class TextEditor : Control, IAnimatable, IFrameworkInputElement, IInputElement, ISupportInitialize, IQueryAmbient, INotifier, ISearch, ITextSearch, IAutoCorrect, INotifyPropertyChanged
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Extension Methods
Here is how to declare a TextEditor from the C# code and add event handler to handle clicking on hyper-text urls.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public Form1()
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
#region TextEditorCSharpCreation
var edit = new Alternet.Editor.Wpf.TextEditor();
edit.AllowOutlining = true;
edit.JumpToUrl += new Alternet.Editor.Wpf.UrlJumpEvent(this.edit_JumpToUrl);
#region TextEditorEventHandler
private void edit_JumpToUrl(object sender, UrlJumpEventArgs e)
if (window.chbCustomHypertext.IsChecked.Value)
e.Handled = true;
Here is how to declare a TextEditor from the Visual Basic code and add event handler to handle clicking on hyper-text urls.
Partial Public Class MainWindow
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim edit = New Alternet.Editor.Wpf.TextEditor()
edit.AllowOutlining = True
AddHandler edit.JumpToUrl, New Alternet.Editor.Wpf.UrlJumpEvent(AddressOf Me.edit_JumpToUrl)
End Sub
Private Sub edit_JumpToUrl(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UrlJumpEventArgs)
If window.chbCustomHypertext.IsChecked.Value Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub
End Class
TextEditor is a multiline WPF text edit control that provides text editing functionality and supports advanced text editing features. These include customizable syntax highlighting, IntelliSense, code outlining, unlimited undo/redo, bookmarks, word wrap, drag-n-drop, built-in search/replace dialogs, multiple views of the text, and more.
Here are some of the essential features provided by the editor:
- IntelliSense code completion for supported languages
- Code outlining (collapsible code regions)
- Syntax highlighting
- Errors and warnings highlighting
- Code snippets
- Scroll bar annotations
- Search and replace
- Word wrapping
- Bookmarks
- The gutter area with indicators
- Multiple views and split view
- Customizable appearance, including line styles
- Printing and print preview support
- Multiple selection modes
- Standard editing features like undo/redo and navigation
- Assortment of customizable options like whitespace display, structure guidelines, and many more
Set the Text property to specify the string collection as a single string with the individual lines delimited by a carriage return.
Use the LoadFile or LoadStream methods to load text content into the edit control.
Set the Lexer property to specify the Parser component that will perform syntax highlighting and optionally provide advanced capabilities such as code completion, code outlining, and syntax error reporting.
- TextEditor()
Initializes a new instance of the
class with default settings.
- TextEditor(TextEditorContentArea)
Creates a new TextEditor instance.
- AllowHorizontalEditorSplitProperty
Identifies the AllowHorizontalEditorSplit dependency property.
- AllowVerticalEditorSplitProperty
Identifies the AllowVerticalEditorSplit dependency property.
- BookmarkImageSourceProperty
Identifies the BookmarkImageSource dependency property.
- CaretBrushProperty
Identifies the CaretBrush dependency property.
- CodeActionsOnGutterProperty
Identifies the CodeActionsOnGutter dependency property.
- CodeActionsVisibleProperty
Identifies the CodeActionsVisible dependency property.
- CodeCompletionBoxBrushProperty
Identifies the CodeCompletionBoxBrush dependency property.
- CodeCompletionHintBrushProperty
Identifies the CodeCompletionHintBrush dependency property.
- CodeSnippetHighlightBrushProperty
Identifies the CodeSnippetHighlightBrush dependency property.
- ColumnPenProperty
Identifies the ColumnPen dependency property.
- ContentDividerPenProperty
Identifies the ContentDividerPen dependency property.
- ContentDividersVisibleProperty
Identifies the ContentDividersVisible dependency property.
- ContextMenuBackColorProperty
Identifies the ContextMenuBackColor dependency property.
- ContextMenuBorderColorProperty
Identifies the ContextMenuBorderColor dependency property.
- CustomGutterItemsVisibleProperty
Identifies the CustomGutterItemsVisible dependency property.
- DrawLineBookmarksProperty
Identifies the DrawLineBookmarks dependency property.
- DrawStructureGuideLinesProperty
Identifies the DrawStructureGuideLines dependency property.
- ErrorUnderlinePenProperty
Identifies the ErrorUnderlinePen dependency property.
- GradientGutterProperty
Identifies the GradientGutter dependency property.
- GuideLinesDashedStyleProperty
Identifies the GuideLinesDashedStyle dependency property.
- GuideLinesForeColorProperty
Identifies the GuideLinesForeColor dependency property.
- GutterBrushProperty
Identifies the GutterBrush dependency property.
- GutterGradientEndColorProperty
Identifies the GutterGradientEndColor dependency property.
- GutterGradientStartColorProperty
Identifies the GutterGradientStartColor dependency property.
- GutterRightMarginProperty
Identifies the GutterRightMargin dependency property.
- GutterVisibleProperty
Identifies the GutterVisible dependency property.
- GutterWidthProperty
Identifies the GutterWidth dependency property.
- HighlightOutlineAreaBrushProperty
Identifies the HighlightOutlineAreaBrush dependency property.
- HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
Dependency property for HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
- InactiveSelectionBrushProperty
Identifies the InactiveSelectionBrush dependency property.
- InfoPenProperty
Identifies the InfoPen dependency property.
- LineBookmarksBrushProperty
Identifies the LineBookmarksBrush dependency property.
- LineModificatorChangedBrushProperty
Identifies the LineModificatorChangedBrush dependency property.
- LineModificatorPaddingProperty
Identifies the LineModificatorPadding dependency property.
- LineModificatorSavedBrushProperty
Identifies the LineModificatorSavedBrush dependency property.
- LineModificatorWidthProperty
Identifies the LineModificatorWidth dependency property.
- LineModificatorsVisibleProperty
Identifies the LineModificatorsVisible dependency property.
- LineNumbersBackBrushProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersBackBrush dependency property.
- LineNumbersBrushProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersBrush dependency property.
- LineNumbersHorizontalAlignmentProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersHorizontalAlignment dependency property.
- LineNumbersLeftMarginProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersLeftMargin dependency property.
- LineNumbersRightMarginProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersRightMargin dependency property.
- LineNumbersVisibleProperty
Identifies the LineNumbersVisible dependency property.
- LineSpacingProperty
Identifies the LineSpacing dependency property.
- LinesOnGutterProperty
Identifies the LinesOnGutter dependency property.
- MarginPenProperty
Identifies the MarginPen dependency property.
- MinimapBackColorProperty
Identifies the MinimapBackColor dependency property.
- MinimapBorderColorProperty
Identifies the MinimapBorderColor dependency property.
- MinimapCurrentFrameBorderColorProperty
Identifies the MinimapCurrentFrameBorderColor dependency property.
- MinimapCurrentFrameColorProperty
Identifies the MinimapCurrentFrameColor dependency property.
- MinimapDragBorderColorProperty
Identifies the MinimapDragBorderColor dependency property.
- MinimapScaleProperty
Identifies the MinimapScale dependency property.
- MinimapWidthProperty
Identifies the MinimapWidth dependency property.
- OutlineSectionBoundsPenProperty
Identifies the OutlineSectionBoundsPen dependency property.
- OutlineSectionTextColorProperty
Identifies the OutlineSectionTextColor dependency property.
- OutliningFillCollapsedBrushProperty
Identifies the OutliningFillCollapsedBrush dependency property.
- OutliningFillExpandedBrushProperty
Identifies the OutliningFillExpandedBrush dependency property.
- OutliningGlyphBrushProperty
Identifies the OutliningGlyphBrush dependency property.
- OutliningLineBrushProperty
Identifies the OutliningLineBrush dependency property.
- OverwriteCaretBrushProperty
Identifies the OverwriteCaretBrush dependency property.
- PaintBookMarksProperty
Identifies the PaintBookMarks dependency property.
- PaintLineModificatorsProperty
Identifies the PaintLineModificators dependency property.
- ReadonlyBackColorProperty
Identifies the ReadonlyBackColor dependency property.
- ReferencesBrushProperty
Identifies the ReferencesBrush dependency property.
- SearchResultsBrushProperty
Identifies the SearchResultsBrush dependency property.
- SectionBorderColorProperty
Identifies the SectionBorderColor dependency property.
- SelectedWordsBrushProperty
Identifies the SelectedWordsBrush dependency property.
- SelectionBrushProperty
Identifies the SelectionBrush dependency property.
- SelectionForeColorProperty
Identifies the SelectionForeColor dependency property.
- ShowBookmarkHintsProperty
Identifies the ShowBookmarkHints dependency property.
- SpellingPenProperty
Identifies the SpellingPen dependency property.
- UserMarginBackgroundBrushProperty
Identifies the UserMarginBackgroundBrush dependency property.
- UserMarginBoundsPenProperty
Identifies the UserMarginBoundsPen dependency property.
- UserMarginPaddingProperty
Identifies the UserMarginPadding dependency property.
- UserMarginTextColorProperty
Identifies the UserMarginTextBrush dependency property.
- UserMarginTextProperty
Identifies the UserMarginText dependency property.
- UserMarginVisibleProperty
Identifies the UserMarginVisible dependency property.
- UserMarginWidthProperty
Identifies the UserMarginWidth dependency property.
- VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
Dependency property for VerticalScrollBarVisibility
- WarningPenProperty
Identifies the WarningPen dependency property.
- WordWrapProperty
Identifies the WordWrap dependency property.
- ActiveOutlineRange
Gets currently highlighted outlined range.
- AllowHorizontalEditorSplit
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor can be splitted horizontally.
- AllowOutlining
Gets or sets a value indicating whether outlining enabled.
- AllowVerticalEditorSplit
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor can be splitted vertically.
- AllowedSelectionMode
Gets or sets types of selection allowed for the TextEditor.
- AutoCorrectDelimiters
Gets or sets an array of chars that used as word delimiters.
- AutoCorrection
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to auto correct words being typed.
- BookmarkImageSource
Gets or sets an ImageSource for bookmarks.
- Braces
Represents an object that implements
interface allowing to change appearance of matching braces within the control.
- CaretBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint caret.
- CharsInWidth
Returns number of characters painted with current font that will fit into control's client area.
- ClientHeight
Represents a client area height of the TextEditor control.
- ClientRect
Represents a client area of the TextEditor control.
- ClientWidth
Represents a client area width of the TextEditor control.
- CodeActionImageIndex
Gets or sets a value that specifies index of item in the image collection used to paint light bulb for code action.
- CodeActionPosition
Gets or sets code action position within the text.
- CodeActionsOnGutter
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor should display code actions images on gutter.
- CodeActionsVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor should display code actions images.
- CodeCompletionBox
Represents object that specifies a popup window that contains code completion information presented in the form of list.
- CodeCompletionBoxBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill Code Completion Box background.
- CodeCompletionButton
Represents object that specifies a popup window that contains code completion information presented in the form of list.
- CodeCompletionChars
Represents a collection of characters that initializes a code completion procedure when typing in the editor.
- CodeCompletionHint
Represents object that specifies a popup window that contains code completion information presented in the form of the tooltip.
- CodeCompletionHintBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill Code Completion Hint background.
- CodeSnippetHighlightBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill code snippet area.
- ColumnPen
Gets or sets Pen object that describes the color and pattern of EditMargin line.
- ContentArea
Gets a scrollable content area for
- ContentDividerPen
Gets or sets Pen to draw content divider.
- ContentDividersVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether content divider should be drawn.
- ContextMenuBackColor
Gets or sets background color for the context menu.
- ContextMenuBorderColor
Gets or sets border color for the context menu.
- CurrentTheme
Gets or sets a dictionary containing theme-related resources for the text editor, such as scrollbar background.
- DisplayLines
Represents the object that implements
interface containing collection of lines to be drawn in the control.
- DrawAliasedGeometry
Returns a value indicating whether to draw pixel-aliased geometry where supported (outlining etc). The value returned depends on the current DPI. Currently geometry is aliased when the DPI is 100%.
- DrawLineBookmarks
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Edit control should draw triangle at bookmark position inside line.
- DrawStructureGuideLines
Indicates whether edit control should draw columns indentation marks.
- EditMargin
Represents an object that implements
interface and specifies appearance of vertical line drawn over the text and used to mark some limit, for example, of the maximum string length allowed.
- EffectiveVisualTheme
Gets current visual theme.
- ErrorUnderlinePen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw error underline wave.
- FirstSearch
Gets or sets a value indicating whether control launches text search at first.
- GotoLineDialog
Gets or sets a dialog prompting for index of the line you need to locate.
- GradientGutter
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether gutter background should be gradient.
- GuideLinesDashedStyle
Specifies that structure guide lines to be drawn as dashed line.
- GuideLinesForeColor
Specifies guide lines color.
- GutterBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint gutter area.
- GutterGradientEndColor
Gets or sets end Color used to paint gradient gutter area.
- GutterGradientStartColor
Gets or sets start Color used to paint gradient gutter area.
- GutterImages
Represents a ImageSource collection to display on TextEditor gutter area.
- GutterImagesResourceNameSuffix
Gets or sets the image resource name suffix.
- GutterRightMargin
Gets or sets width of gutter area right margin.
- GutterVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether gutter area is visible.
- GutterWidth
Gets or sets gutter area width.
- HighlightMatchingBlocks
Specifies that edit control should highlight begin/end blocks.
- HighlightOutlineAreaBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill highlighted outline area.
- HighlightReferences
Specifies that edit control should highlight find references.
- HighlightSearchResults
Indicates whether search results are highlighted while the search dialog is open.
- HighlightSymbolReferences
Specifies that edit control should highlight symbol references when hovering mouse over them.
- HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
Gets/Sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility.
- HorizontalSplitterEditor
Represents an vertical split view control.
- HyperText
Represents object that implements
interface allowing to customize appearance and behavior of hypertext sections within the control.
- InCycledSearch
Indicates whether control is in incremental search state.
- InIncrementalSearch
Indicates whether control is in incremental search state.
- InactiveSelectionBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill selected area when TextEditor lost focus.
- IncrementalSearchString
Return text to search if class is in incremental search state; otherwise return empty string.
- InfoPen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw info underline wave.
- InnerTextSource
Gets inner text source.
- KeyList
Represents object that implements
containing list of keys with attached actions, which executed by key pressure.
- Lexer
Gets or sets an object that can make lexical analysis for the control's content.
- LineBookmarksBrush
Gets or sets a Brush of the line bookmarks.
- LineHeight
Represents height of the individual line.
- LineModificatorChangedBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint line modificator in changed state.
- LineModificatorPadding
Gets or sets Thickness around line modificator.
- LineModificatorSavedBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint line modificator in saved state.
- LineModificatorWidth
Gets or sets line modificator area width.
- LineModificatorsVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether line modificators (color stitch that indicates that the line content is modified, unmodified or saved) should be drawn.
- LineNumbersBackBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint line numbers.
- LineNumbersBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint line numbers.
- LineNumbersHorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets horizontal TextAlignment of line numbers.
- LineNumbersLeftMargin
Gets or sets width of line numbers area left margin.
- LineNumbersRightMargin
Gets or sets width of line numbers area right margin.
- LineNumbersStart
Gets or sets index of the first line being painted on the gutter.
- LineNumbersVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor should display line numbers.
- LineSeparator
Represents an object that implements
interface containing methods and properties necessary to separate lines and highlight current line within the control.
- LineSpace
Gets or sets line space between individual lines in the Edit control.
- LineSpacing
Gets or sets distance between neighbor lines.
- LineStyles
Represents an object that implements
interface holding collection ofIEditLineStyle
objects each of them determines particular style of the line in the control.
- LineTerminator
Gets or sets a string value that terminates line.
- Lines
Represents object that implements
interface containing collection of strings determining control's content.
- LinesInHeight
Determines how many lines can fit into control's client area.
- LinesOnGutter
Specifies that numbers of lines should be drawn at the gutter area rather than beyond the gutter.
- MacroRecording
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether Edit control should record sequence of keyboard commands.
- MacroRecords
Represents an array containing keyboard commands.
- MacroSuspendend
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether recording is suspended.
- MarginPen
Gets or sets Pen object that describes the color and pattern of EditMargin line.
- Minimap
Represents object that implements
interface containing methods and properties necessary to operate with minimap at the right size of the control.
- MinimapBackColor
Gets or sets the color of the minimap background.
- MinimapBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the minimap border.
- MinimapCurrentFrameBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the minimap's current frame border, i.e., the rectangular area corresponding to the currently visible part of the code.
- MinimapCurrentFrameColor
Gets or sets the color of the minimap's current frame, i.e., the rectangular area corresponding to the currently visible part of the code.
- MinimapDragBorderColor
Gets or sets the color of the minimap drag border.
- MinimapHint
Represents object that specifies a popup window that contains minimap information presented in the form of the tooltip.
- MinimapLineHeight
Represents height of the individual minimap line.
- MinimapOptions
Gets or sets a
that determine minimap appearance and behaviour.
- MinimapScale
Gets or sets the scale of the minimap.
- MinimapVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether minimap area is visible.
- MinimapWidth
Gets or sets the minimap area width.
- NavigateOptions
Gets or sets navigating options.
- OpenSharedEditorFunc
When implemented by a class, gets or sets a function that open
instance in multi-document environment.
- OutlineSectionBoundsPen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw outline section bounds.
- OutlineSectionTextColor
Gets or sets Color used to draw text inside outline section.
- Outlining
Represents an object that implements
interface that specifies appearance and behavior of outline sections within the control.
- OutliningFillCollapsedBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill folding button when outlining region is in collapsed state.
- OutliningFillExpandedBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill folding button when outlining region is in expanded state.
- OutliningGlyphBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint outlining area glyph.
- OutliningLineBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint outlining area.
- OverwriteCaretBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to paint caret when TextEditor is in overwrite state.
- PaintBookMarks
Specifies that bookmarks should be drawn.
- PaintLineModificators
Specifies that line modificators (color stitch that indicates that the line content is modified, unmodified or saved) should be drawn.
- Position
Gets or sets the current position within the control's text content.
- PrevPosition
Gets previous position within the control's text content.
- Printing
Represents an object that implements
interface allowing to perform various printing actions such as print, preview document, and setup print options.
- ReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control's content is read-only.
- ReadonlyBackColor
Gets or sets background color used in the readonly state.
- ReferencesBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill highlighted reference area.
- Scrolling
Represents an object that implements
interface containing properties and methods that describe scrolling behavior of the control.
- SearchDialog
Gets or sets a dialog box allowing to search for the text or replace it.
- SearchGlobal
Gets or sets a value indicating whether search should be global.
- SearchLen
Represents length of the last found text.
- SearchOptions
Gets or sets a value that defines search and replace options.
- SearchPos
Gets or sets a value that represents position of the last found text.
- SearchResultsBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill highlighted search result area.
- SectionBorderColor
Gets or sets a color of the selection border.
- SelectedWordsBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill highlighted selected word area.
- Selection
Represents an object that implements
interface. This object represents various properties and methods to manipulate text selection, such as copy, paste and drag selected text.
- SelectionBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill selected region.
- SelectionForeColor
Gets or sets Color used to draw selection text.
- SelectionOptions
Gets or sets options determining appearance and behavior of the
object in TextEditor control.
- SeparatorOptions
Gets or sets a set of flags customizing appearance and behavior of the
- ShowBookmarkHints
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Edit control should display text describing bookmark in form of tooltip window when mouse pointer is over the gutter bookmark.
- SingleLineMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control accepts only one line of the text.
- Source
Gets or sets an object that implements
interface containing an actual string data displayed by the control.
- Spelling
Represents object that implements
interface containing properties and methods to check control's content spelling and highlight misspelled words.
- SpellingPen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw info underline wave.
- Strings
property in the form of array of strings.
- SyntaxPaint
interface used to draw control's content.
- Text
Gets or sets the string collection as a single string with the individual lines delimited by carriage returns.
- UserMarginBackgroundBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to fill user margin region.
- UserMarginBoundsPen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw user margin bounds.
- UserMarginPadding
Gets or sets Thickness around user margin.
- UserMarginText
Gets or sets a text of the user margin.
- UserMarginTextBrush
Gets or sets Brush used to draw text inside user margin region.
- UserMarginVisible
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether TextEditor should draw user margin (allowing to draw additional information).
- UserMarginWidth
Gets or sets user margin area width.
- VerticalScrollBarVisibility
Gets/Sets the vertical scroll bar visibility.
- VerticalSplitterEditor
Represents an vertical split view control.
- VisualTheme
Gets or sets visual theme for the editor.
- VisualThemeType
Gets or sets visual theme type for the editor.
- WarningPen
Gets or sets Pen used to draw warning underline wave.
- Whitespace
Represents an object that implements
interface. This object specifies appearance of white space characters, as well as End-of-line and End-of-file marks.
- WhitespaceVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether white space symbols are visible in the control's text content.
- WideSpaceWidth
Represents average character width.
- WordWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether TextEditor control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary.
- ApplyTheme(IVisualTheme)
Applies visual theme to the TextEditor control.
- Assign(TextEditor)
Assigns most relevant properties from another
- CanFindNext()
Indicates whether search engine can find next occurrence of the text specified by previous search or it is only first attempt to search.
- CanFindNextSelected()
Indicates whether search engine can find next occurrence of the selected text or it is the first attempt to search.
- CanFindPrevious()
Indicates whether search engine can find previous occurrence of the text specified to search or it is the first attempt to search.
- CanFindPreviousSelected()
Indicates whether search engine can find previous occurrence of the selected text or it is the first attempt to search.
- CanSearchSelection(out string)
Returns whether search can be performed inside _selection.
- CodeCompletion(CodeCompletionArgs)
Performs code completion for the specified text representing language element.
- CodeCompletionWindowFocused(out ICodeCompletionWindow)
Indicates whether
has focus.
- CodeSnippets()
Displays a code completion window with list of available code snippets.
- CompleteCodeActions()
Displays a code completion window with list of available code fixes or code refactors.
- CompleteCodeFixes()
Displays a code completion window with list of available code fixes.
- CompleteCodeRefactors()
Displays a code completion window with list of available code refactors.
- CompleteWord()
Displays a code completion window that displays members of the current class in the Editor's content in a form of the popup list box and locates single member, if possible.
- CycledSearch(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool)
Performs cycled search.
- DisablePositionUpdate()
Prevents notification of changing of caret position until calling
- DisplayDragCaret()
Displays dragging caret rather than regular caret.
- DisplayGotoLineDialog()
Initializes and runs a dialog prompting you for index of the line you need to locate.
- DisplayGotoLineDialog(OwnerWindow)
Initializes and runs a dialog prompting you for index of the line you need to locate.
- DisplayGotoLineDialog(Window)
Initializes and runs a dialog prompting you for index of the line you need to locate.
- DisplayReplaceDialog()
Initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplayReplaceDialog(Window)
Initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for text and replace it.
- DisplaySearchDialog()
Initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplaySearchDialog(OwnerWindow)
Initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplaySearchDialog(Window)
Initializes and runs a dialog box allowing you to search for some text.
- DisplayToScreen(int, int)
Converts given display coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- DisplayToScreen(int, int, bool)
Converts given display coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- EnablePositionUpdate()
Re-enables notification of changing of caret position that was turn of by calling
- Find(string)
Searches for given text within the control's contents.
- Find(string, SearchOptions)
Searches for given text within the control's contents with specified options.
- Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex)
Searches for given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.
- Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool, bool)
Searches for all occurrences of given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.
- Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex, IList<IRange>)
Searches for all occurrences of given text within the control's contents with specified options using specified regular expression.
- Find(string, SearchOptions, Regex, ref Point, out int, out Match, bool)
Searches for given text within the control's text content.
- FindDeclaration()
Finds the declaration of the symbol at the current position
- FindDeclaration(Point)
Finds the declaration of the symbol under a given position
- FindDeclarationAsync()
Finds the declaration of the symbol at the current position.
- FindDeclarationAsync(Point)
Finds the declaration of the symbol under a given position
- FindImplementations(Point, IRangeList)
Finds all implementations of the symbol under a given position
- FindImplementationsAsync(Point, IRangeList)
Finds all implementations of the symbol under a given position
- FindNext()
Searches for the next occurrence of the text specified by previous search.
- FindNextSelected()
Searches for the next occurrence of the selected text.
- FindPrevious()
Searches for the previous occurrence of the text specified by previous search.
- FindPreviousSelected()
Searches for the previous occurrence of the selected text.
- FindReferences(Point, IRangeList)
Finds all references of the symbol under a given position
- FindReferencesAsync(Point, IRangeList)
Finds all references of the symbol under a given position
- FinishIncrementalSearch()
Leaves control from the incremental search state. StartIncrementalSearch()
- GetCaretSize(Point)
Returns size of the caret's current shape at given position.
- GetCharsInWidth(double)
Returns number of characters painted with current font that will fit into specified Width.
- GetHitTest(double, double, IHitTestInfo)
Fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the control at specified coordinate.
- GetHitTest(Point, IHitTestInfo)
Fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of the control at specified coordinate.
- GetHitTestAtTextPoint(Point, IHitTestInfo)
Fills hitTestInfo parameter by information about a part of control at specified text coordinate.
- GetHitTestAtTextPoint(int, int, IHitTestInfo)
Retrieves information about part of control at specified text coordinate.
- GetLinesInHeight(double)
Determines how many lines can fit into given Height.
- GetNonTextAreaWidth()
Returns mutual width of Non text area - Gutter, Line Numbers, Outlining and User Margin.
- GetNonTextAreaWidth(bool)
Returns mutual width of Non text area - Gutter, Line Numbers, Outlining and User Margin.
- GetTextToSearchAtCursor()
Returns word at the cursor position.
- GetWordAt(IStringItem, int, out int, out int)
Checks word accordingly to specified conditions.
- GetWrapMargin()
Returns position of the wrapping margin.
- HasAutoCorrection(string, out string)
Checks whether specified word has correction.
- HideCaret()
Hides the caret's current shape.
- HideDragCaret()
Hides dragging caret.
- HideScrollHint()
Hides scroll hint window if necessary.
- HighlightAll(string, SearchOptions, Regex)
Highlights all occurrences of specified string in the class text content.
- HighlightSelectedWords(string)
Highlights all occurrences of selected whole word in the class text content.
- IncrementalSearch(string)
Finds the given text incrementally.
- IncrementalSearch(string, bool)
Finds given text incrementally.
- InsertCodeSnippet(ICodeSnippet, Point)
Inserts Code Snippet at the given position in the text
- Invalidate()
Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
- Invalidate(int, int)
Invalidates the part of controls surface and causes the control to be redrawn.
- InvalidateDisplay(int, int)
Invalidates the part of controls surface and causes the control to be redrawn.
- InvalidateSelection()
Invalidates selection region.
- IsValidText(Point)
Indicates whether text at the specified position is valid (that is does not contain comments or string constants).
- JumpToDeclaration()
Finds the declaration of the symbol under the current position and navigates to it.
- JumpToDeclarationAsync()
Finds the declaration of the symbol under the current position and navigates to it.
- ListMembers()
Displays a code completion window that displays members of the current class in the Editor's content in a form of the popup list box.
- LoadFile(string)
Loads the contents of the specified file.
- LoadFile(string, IStringImport)
Loads content from the given file with specified importer.
- LoadFile(string, IStringImport, Encoding)
Loads content from the given file with specified importer and specific encoding.
- LoadFile(string, Encoding)
Loads the contents of the specified file with specified encoding.
- LoadMacros(Stream)
Loads the macro records from the given stream.
- LoadMacros(TextReader)
Loads the macro records from the given stream.
- LoadMacros(string)
Loads the macro records from the given file.
- LoadStream(Stream)
Loads the contents of the specified stream.
- LoadStream(Stream, IStringImport)
Loads the text content from the given stream with specified importer.
- LoadStream(Stream, IStringImport, Encoding)
Loads the text content from the given stream with specified importer.
- LoadStream(Stream, Encoding)
Loads the contents of the specified stream.
- LoadStream(TextReader)
Loads the contents of the specified stream.
- LoadStream(TextReader, IStringImport)
Loads the contents of the specified stream.
- MakeVisible(Point)
Scrolls the control's content, if necessary, to ensure a specified text position is in view.
- MakeVisible(Point, bool)
Scrolls the control's content, if necessary, to ensure a specified text position is in view.
- MarkAll(string, SearchOptions, bool)
Marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.
- MarkAll(string, SearchOptions, Regex, bool)
Marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.
- MarkAll(string, bool)
Marks all occurrences of specified string in the class text content by unnumbered bookmarks and moves to the last occurrence.
- MeasureOverride(Size)
Called to remeasure a control.
- MoveCaretOnDrag(DragEventArgs)
Moves caret to the position of drag cursor.
- MoveCharLeft()
Moves the current position one character to the left.
- MoveCharRight()
Moves the current position one character to the right.
- MoveFileBegin()
Moves the current position to the first character of the first line.
- MoveFileEnd()
Moves the current position to the last character of the last line.
- MoveLineBegin()
Moves the current position to the first character of current line.
- MoveLineBeginCycled()
Moves the current position to the first not whitespace character/first character of current line.
- MoveLineDown()
Moves the current position to the next line.
- MoveLineEnd()
Moves the current position to the last character of current line.
- MoveLineUp()
Moves the current position to the previous line.
- MovePageDown()
Moves current position to the next page.
- MovePageUp()
Moves current position to the previous page.
- MoveScreenBottom()
Moves the current position to the bottom of the screen.
- MoveScreenTop()
Moves the current position to the top of the screen.
- MoveTo(Point)
Moves the current position to the given position.
- MoveTo(int, int)
Moves the current position to the given position.
- MoveToBrace()
Moves the current position to the next open or close brace in the text content.
- MoveToChar(int)
Moves the current position to the specified character in current line.
- MoveToCloseBrace()
Moves the current position to the next close brace in the text content.
- MoveToLine(int)
Moves the current position to the specified line.
- MoveToLine(int, int)
Moves the current position to the specified line.
- MoveToOpenBrace()
Moves the current position to the previous open brace in the text content.
- MoveWordLeft()
Moves the current position one word to the left.
- MoveWordRight()
Moves the current position one word to the right.
- Navigate(int, int)
Moves current position by the given offset value.
- NeedReplaceCurrent()
Indicates whether search engine need to replace successfully found and selected text.
- NeedReplaceCurrent(out Match)
Indicates whether search engine need to replace successfully found and selected text.
- Notification(object, EventArgs)
Updates control's content according to parameters of notification.
- OnApplyTemplate()
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate().
- OnContextMenuOpening(ContextMenuEventArgs)
Invoked whenever an unhandled ContextMenuOpening routed event reaches this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs)
Invoked whenever an unhandled GotFocus event reaches this element in its route.
- OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.KeyDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.KeyUp attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs)
Raises the LostFocus routed event by using the event data that is provided.
- OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseLeave attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseMove attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseUp routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnPreviewTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.TextCompositionManager.PreviewTextInput attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs)
Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.DragDrop.QueryContinueDrag attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- OnRenderSizeChanged(SizeChangedInfo)
Raises the SizeChanged event, using the specified information as part of the eventual event data.
- OnStateChanged(object, NotifyState)
Updates control's content according to the state of the source.
- OnTextFound(string, SearchOptions, Regex, Match, Point, int, bool, bool)
Occurs when search text is found.
- OutlineText()
Forces automatic outlining by getting up-to-date information about outline section from the Parser.
- ParameterInfo()
Displays a code completion window containing information for the current method or parameter in the Editor's content.
- PauseMacroRecording()
Suspends recording the command sequence.
- PlayBackMacro()
Repeats the stored command sequence.
- ProcessEnter()
Performs specific actions when Enter key is pressed.
- ProcessKeyPress(char)
Processes key press.
- ProcessKeyPress(string)
Processes key press.
- ProcessMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
Processes a mouse move message.
- ProcessShiftTab(Point)
Performs specific actions when Shift + Tab key is pressed.
True if key was processed; otherwise false.
- ProcessTab(Point)
Performs specific actions when Tab key is pressed.
True if key was processed; otherwise false.
- QuickInfo()
Displays a code completion window with simple tooltip information.
- RecordKeyData(IMacroKeyData)
Adds keyData to the
- Replace(string, string)
Searches for the first occurrence of given text within the text content and if succeed replaces it by specified string.
- Replace(string, string, SearchOptions)
Searches for first occurrence given text within the text content with specified options and if succeed replaces it by specified string.
- Replace(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex)
Searches for first occurrence given text within the text content with specified options using specified regular expression and if succeed replaces it by specified string.
- ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, out int)
Replaces all occurrences of given text within text content by specified replaceWith string.
- ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex, out int)
Replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.
- ReplaceAll(string, string, SearchOptions, Regex, out int, out bool)
Replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.
- ReplaceAll(string, string, out int)
Replaces all occurrences of given text within class text content by specified replaceWith string.
- ReplaceCurrent(string, SearchOptions, Match)
Replaces currently selected text.
- ResetLineSpace()
Resets the
to the default value.
- ResetNavigateOptions()
Resets the
to the default value.
- ResetWordWrap()
Resets the
to the default value.
- ResetWrapAtMargin()
Resets the
to the default value.
- RestorePosition(int)
Restores position from stored position list by given index.
- ResumeMacroRecording()
Resumes recording the command sequence.
- SaveMacros(Stream)
Saves the macro records to the given stream in xml format.
- SaveMacros(TextWriter)
Saves the macro records to the given stream in xml format.
- SaveMacros(string)
Saves the macro records to the given file in xml format.
- ScreenToDisplay(double, double)
Converts given screen coordinates to display coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScreenToDisplayX(double, int)
Converts given screen coordinates to display coordinate of a character.
- ScreenToText(double, double)
Converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScreenToText(double, double, ref bool)
Converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScreenToText(Point)
Converts given screen coordinates to text coordinates (index of line and character).
- ScrollLineDown()
Scrolls text content one line down.
- ScrollLineUp()
Scrolls text content one line up.
- SetNavigateOptions(NavigateOptions)
Sets navigating options without validating position.
- ShowCaret(double, double)
Moves the caret to the specified coordinates.
- ShowCodeCompletionBox(ICodeCompletionProvider, CodeCompletionType)
Shows code completion popup window with given provider at the current position.
- ShowCodeCompletionBox(ICodeCompletionProvider, CodeCompletionType, Point)
Shows code completion popup window with given Provider at the specified position.
- ShowCodeCompletionButton(ICodeCompletionProvider)
Shows code completion popup window with given provider at the current position.
- ShowCodeCompletionButton(ICodeCompletionProvider, Point, bool)
Shows code completion popup window with given Provider at the specified position.
- ShowCodeCompletionHint(ICodeCompletionProvider, ILexer)
with given provider at the current position.
- ShowCodeCompletionHint(ICodeCompletionProvider, Point, ILexer)
with given provider at the specified position.
- ShowNotFound(string)
Displays "searched text not found" message box.
- ShowScrollHint()
Displays tooltip indicating destination line when scrolling.
- StartIncrementalSearch()
Enters control to the incremental search state. FinishIncrementalSearch()
- StartIncrementalSearch(bool)
Enters control to the incremental search state. FinishIncrementalSearch()
- StartMacroRecording()
Starts recording the command sequence.
- StopMacroRecording()
Stops recording the command sequence.
- StorePosition(Point)
Stores given position to stored position list.
- StorePosition(Point, bool)
Stores given position to stored position list.
- TextStyleAt(Point)
Gets text style information at specified position.
- TextToScreen(Point)
Converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- TextToScreen(Point, bool)
Converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- TextToScreen(int, int)
Converts given text coordinates, index of line and character, to screen coordinates.
- ToggleMacroRecording()
Toggles recording the command sequence.
- UnhighlightAll()
Unhighlights search results previously highlighted by HighlightAll.
- UpdateCaret()
Ensures the caret is displayed in the current position.
- UpdateView()
Updates editor content, caret and pages area.
- UpdateWordWrap()
Re-wraps all lines in the text.
- UpdateWordWrap(int, int)
Re-wraps lines in the text within specific scope.
- ValidatePosition(ref Point)
Validates given position within control's text content.
- AfterNavigateToDeclaration
Occurs when edit content is already navigated.
- AutoCorrect
Occurs when control tries to auto correct word being typed.
- BeforeNavigateToDeclaration
Occurs when edit content is about to be navigated.
- CheckHyperText
Occurs when a control needs checking whether some string represents hypertext.
- CodeSnippetInserted
Occurs when code snippet is inserted.
- GetUserMarginText
Occurs when the TextEditor checks usermargin text.
- GutterClick
Occurs when the gutter part of Edit control is clicked.
- GutterDblClick
Occurs when the gutter part of Edit control is double-clicked.
- HorizontalScroll
Occurs when control scrolls its content in horizontal direction. This can be caused by dragging horizontal scroll thumb, or caret moving.
- JumpToUrl
Occurs when user attempts to jump to url.
- ModifiedChanged
Occurs when modified state is changed.
- ModifyTextDisplay
Occurs when TextEditor measures part of its text content.
- NeedCodeCompletion
Occurs when code completion window is to be displayed.
- PromptOnReplace
Occurs when replace dialog prompts on replace action.
- PropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
- SelectionChanged
Occurs when selection bounds are changed.
- SourceChanged
Occurs when source changes.
- SourceStateChanged
Occurs when text Source's state is changed, for example when caret position moved, text edited, amount of lines changed, lexer changed, etc.
- TextChanged
Occurs when the TextEditor text changed.
- VerticalScroll
Occurs when control scrolls its content in vertical direction. This can be caused by dragging vertical scroll thumb, or caret moving.