Namespace Alternet.FormDesigner.WinForms
- CodeGenerationUtility
Stores a set of options used for form designer code generation.
- CommandKeyBinding
Represents a key combination bound with some action.
- CustomToolboxImage
Represents the toolbox image for different resolution.
- DesignerAssemblyResources
Represents a single resource for designer's assembly.
- DesignerCompilerError
Provides data for designer compiler error.
- DesignerCompilerErrorClickEventArgs
Provides data for the
- DesignerImportedNamespaces
Represents a collection of default namespaces for the designer control.
- DesignerLoadingCompilerErrorsException
Represents errors that occur during designer's content loading.
- DesignerLoadingErrorEventArgs
Provides data for the
- DesignerReferencedAssemblies
Represents a collection of assemblies that can be referenced in the form designer's content.
- EditorFormDesignerDataSource
Provides extended properties and methods for a Form Designer control's data source.
- EventBindingServiceBase
This class provides a default implementation of the event binding service. This class is abstract.
- FormDesignerAssemblyReferenceResolver
Provides functionality to resolve assembly references.
- FormDesignerControl
Represents a control supports all standard form editing operations with controls.
- FormDesignerDataSource
Provides properties and methods for a Form Designer control's data source.
- FormDesignerHostContext
Encapsulates designer host together with the actual form designer control and its state.
- FormDesignerOptions
Provides designer options for grid settings, grid size, snap lines and smart tags.
- FormDesignerTextSourceOperations
Represents operations applied to
- FormDesignerTextSourceOperations.TextInsertionOperation
Represents properties applied to the text insertion operation.
- FormDesignerTextSourceOperations.TextReplacementOperation
Represents properties applied to the text replacement operation.
- NavigateToUserMethodRequestedEventArgs
Provides data for the
- OutlineContextMenu
Implements a outline context menu.
- OutlineControl
Represents the outline control.
- PlaceToolboxItemAtDefaultLocationEventArgs
Provides parameters for PlaceItemAtDefaultLocation event.
- PropertyGridControl
Provides a user interface for browsing the properties of an object.
- ResourceService
Provides methods for designers to access resource readers and writers for specific System.Globalization.CultureInfo resource types.
- ToolboxControl
Displays and manipulates list of icons for components and controls that user can place onto design surface
- IEventBindingServiceExtended
Provides an additional service for registering event handlers for component events.
- IFormDesignerCommands
Represents the set of commands that are available to the Form Designer.
- IFormDesignerControl
Represents properties and methods to support all standard form editing operations with controls.
- IFormDesignerDataSource
Represents properties and methods for a Form Designer control's data source.
- IFormDesignerHostContext
Represents methods and properties declaration to encapsulate designer host together with the actual form designer control and its state.
- IFormDesignerLoader
Represents methods and properties declaration to load and save designer's content.
- IFormDesignerTextSource
Represents properties and methods for a Form Designer control's text.
- IOutlineControl
Represents the outline control.
- IPropertyGridControl
Provides a user interface for browsing the properties and methods of an object.
- IResourceServiceExtended
Provides an additional interface for designers to access resource readers and writers for specific System.Globalization.CultureInfo resource types.
- IToolboxControl
Represents properties and methods to display and manage a list of icons for components and controls that user can place onto design surface.
- IToolboxServiceExtended
Provides additional properties to manage and query the toolbox in the development environment.
- IUndoEngine
Represents properties declaration for undo service.
- OutlineControlTypeNameDisplayStyle
Defines appearance of the item's type name in the outline control.
- StreamAccessMode
Defines constants for read, write access to a stream.
- InsertTextIntoCodeDelegate
Represents a method that will handle inserting text into user's code.
- OpenStreamDelegate
Represents a method that will handle opening form designer-generated code
- OpenStreamForReadingDelegate
Represents a method that will handle opening user-defined code.