Class ScriptDebugger
Enables communication with a debugger.
public class ScriptDebugger : IScriptDebugger, IScriptDebuggerBase, IDisposable, IDebuggerCommandDispatcher
- Inheritance
- Implements
Here is how to declare a ScriptDebugger and start debugging the script from the C# code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var scriptDebugger = new Alternet.Scripter.Debugger.ScriptDebugger();
scriptDebugger.GeneratedModulesPath = generatedModulesPath;
scriptDebugger.ScriptRun = scriptRun;
scriptDebugger.ExecutionStopped += ScriptDebugger_ExecutionStopped;
private void ScriptDebugger_ExecutionStopped(object sender, Alternet.Scripter.Debugger.ExecutionStoppedEventArgs e)
if (e.StopReason == ExecutionStopReason.Exception)
Here is how to declare a ScriptDebugger and start debugging the script from the Visual Basic code:
Partial Public Class Form1
Inherits Form
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim scriptDebugger = New Alternet.Scripter.Debugger.ScriptDebugger()
scriptDebugger.GeneratedModulesPath = generatedModulesPath
scriptDebugger.ScriptRun = scriptRun
AddHandler scriptDebugger.ExecutionStopped, AddressOf ScriptDebugger_ExecutionStopped
End Sub
Private Sub ScriptDebugger_ExecutionStopped(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Alternet.Scripter.Debugger.ExecutionStoppedEventArgs)
If e.StopReason = ExecutionStopReason.Exception Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
ScriptDebugger is a non-visual component that provides all commonly used debugging features for C# and Visual Basic scripts, like step-by-step execution, stopping on breakpoints, examining local variables, expression evaluations, etc.
The most important properties of the ScriptDebugger are:
The ScriptRun property specifies the information required to compile and run the script.
The GeneratedModulesPath property gets or sets the directory where the compiled assemblies are located.
The MyCodeModules property contains a collection of module names that the Script debugger can trace.
The Breakpoints property represents a collection of the breakpoints in the source code.
The IsStarted property indicates whether debugging has been started.
- ScriptDebugger()
Initializes a new instance of the
class with default settings.
- Breakpoints
Returns collection of debugger breakpoints.
- Capabilities
Gets debugger capabilities.
- EventsSyncAction
Gets or sets an action used to synchronize events raising. This is normally a function provided by the application to sync raised debugger events (for example, perform Control.Invoke)
- ExpressionEvaluator
object used to evaluate expressions.
- GeneratedModulesPath
Gets directory where assemblies for the scripts being debugged are located.
- IsStarted
Indicates whether debugging was started.
- MyCodeModules
Gets or sets collection of module names to be debugged.
- Options
Gets start debugging options.
- ScopeResolutionService
object used to evaluate expressions.
- ScriptRun
Contains all information required to compile and run the script.
- SourceFilesSearchPaths
Gets or sets an array of directory paths used to search for the debugged source paths when a source path specified in a symbol file (pdb) was not found on disk.
- State
Gets current debugger state.
- ActivateThread(int)
Switches debugging to the specified thread.
- AddBreakpoint(string, int)
Adds a
to the list.
- AttachToProcessAsync(int, StartDebuggingOptions, CancellationToken)
Attaches debugger to the process.
- AttachToProcessAsync(int, CancellationToken)
Attaches debugger to the process.
- Break()
Causes the given process to pause its execution so that its current state can be analyzed.
- ClearTemporaryGeneratedModules()
Clears temporary generated modules on disk.
- Continue()
Continues given process to the next breakpoint or until process finishes.
- Dispose()
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- EnableBreakpoint(string, int, bool)
Enables or disables breakpoint at specified position.
- EvaluateCurrentExceptionAsync(CancellationToken)
Evaluates current expression based on the current stack frame.
- EvaluateExpressionAsync(ExpressionEvaluationRequest, CancellationToken)
Evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.
- EvaluateExpressionsAsync(IEnumerable<ExpressionEvaluationRequest>, CancellationToken)
Evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression can be parsed but not evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.
- ExecuteCommandInDebuggerThread(Action)
Executes action in the UI thread.
- ExecuteCommandInDebuggerThreadAndMarshalException(Action)
Executes action in the UI thread; in case action throws exception, it's handled in the UI thread as well.
- ~ScriptDebugger()
Destructs the instance of the
- GetExecutionPositionAsync(CancellationToken)
Finds out current
based on the current stack frame.
- GetStackFramesAsync(CancellationToken)
Gets list of method calls that are currently on a stack.
- GetThreadsAsync(CancellationToken)
Gets list of active threads.
- GetVariablesInScopeAsync(CancellationToken)
Receives all local variables based on the current stack frame.
- RemoveBreakpoint(string, int)
Removes a
from the list.
- RunScript(string[])
Starts executing the script without debugging.
- RunScriptAsync(string[])
Starts executing the script without debugging.
- SetRunToPositionBreakpoint(RunToPositionBreakpoint)
Causes debugger to stop at the specified position.
- StartDebugging()
Starts executing the program from the entry point with default settings.
- StartDebugging(StartDebuggingOptions)
Starts executing the program from the entry point with specified settings.
- StepInto()
Executes one statement of code; steps into the next function call, if possible.
- StepOut()
Executes one statement of code; steps out of the function currently being executed.
- StepOver()
Executes one statement of code; steps over the next function call.
- StopDebuggingAsync(CancellationToken)
Stops executing the program.
- SwitchToStackFrame(StackFrame)
Switches debugging to the given stack frame.
- TrySetNextStatementAsync(int, CancellationToken)
Tries to set the execution point to the specified line of code.
- ActiveThreadChanged
Occurs when thread to be debugged changes.
- BeforeContinue
Occurs before debugger continues to program execution.
- BeforeStep
Occurs before debugger performs a step.
- BeforeStop
Occurs before debugger stop debugging.
- DebuggerErrorOccured
Occurs when encounters error during debugging session.
- DebuggingStarted
Occurs when debugging session is started.
- DebuggingStopped
Occurs when debugging session is stopped.
- ExecutionResumed
Occurs when debugging is resumed after being paused.
- ExecutionStopped
Occurs when debugging is paused.
- LogMessageReceived
Occurs when debug message is received.
- SourceFileLocationResolve
Occurs when source file location resolution is requested.
- StackFrameSwitched
Occurs debugger switches to the stack frame.
- StateChanged
Occurs when debugger state is changed.